Saturday, April 9, 2011

Another Great Comment---- Thanks Anon Well Said

"FEAR".. never makes us great, with a single goal to uncover & expose the Truth... We the people one & all who have spent years replaying each & every crumb we got a hold of made us stronger AMERICANS. Bless everyone, we have become extended family forged at the HIP by choice. You've been powerful forces for the good of all our souls. Knowing we never weakened, never ran & never LIED nor harmed anyone. I'm so past ready to end this disgusting JOKE... Ready to made it right. Obama the clever, sneaky human won't be happy to give us what's demanded from DAY ONE...but planned his books would cover up much & smooth over us "typical white folks" & others. My friends still live in "don't ask, don't check don't admit that it could be so...but they love to bash bush bush bush...I can't say they are wrong....but that was THEN! I changed parties & will do it again to STOP the one I trust less. Staying flexible & prepared. Master living in the moment, protecting & being clear with extreme intent & awareness. Help vote in AMERICAN'S that progress us all for work & play time. The world has changed. Are you aware of that fact? Yesterdays are gone. Such a pity..... I will be judging the next person coming to LEAD & PROTECT USA & make us respected, admired as I did BBHO (before barack h obama) for the MAN/WOMAN on their message, track record, family, friends & much more. Of course a "NBC" who was born legit 100% 1st always...I love the USA. Many DEMOCRATIC voters measured OBAMA'S value to run our county without the PROOF that he was in fact LEGAL & not a USURPER.... If his Dad is BHO SR. born in Kenya as were told & weren't allowed to discuss the facts due to pelosi/reid/obama & "our desciteful drive-by-media"....even today covering up the truth....we believe to be lies?????!!!! HIS handlers did one heck of a job tricking YOU ALL big time! Please don't play with our county & please do your homework from this day forward & not just go for the yummy smooth icing.. GOD BLESS! PEACE 2 all

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