Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Con Man Pontificates

April 7th, 2011
By Aaron Cantor
“I thought the meetings were frank, they were constructive, and what they did was narrow the issues and clarify the issues that are still outstanding, but I remain confident that if we’re serious about getting something done, we should be able to complete a deal and get it passed and avert a shutdown. But it’s going to require a sufficient sense of urgency from all parties involved.”
 So sayeth President Phony Baloney.
Where was the sense of urgency last fall when you and your crowd of useless hacks should have had a budget ready to go?
You and Senator Curmudgeon Reid abrogated your oath of office way back in October of 2010 by passing continuing resolutions one after another running things piecemeal instead.
I think the stupid and insane manner in dealing with the important matters that effect the country and people’s lives has shown the country if not the whole world how childish and unqualified you all are, and meanwhile the world is laughing at us (mostly for being stupid enough to elect a fraud).
You are like children playng in the sand box, and fighting over who owns the little pail and the little shovel.
When I heard *Machashaifeh* Pelosi yapping on and on about millions of seniors who will starve if the government were to shut down, I almost lost my brisket dinner.(*Yiddish for witch)
John Boehner moved to advance an interim budget measure, which angered Reid and the rest of the Democratic negotiators (GOOD!), to which President Phony Baloney added, “Republicans need to display more urgency.”
  Again I say where was the urgency in October 2010 when you clowns controlled the House, the Senate and the Oval office and yet did nothing except embark on an ORGY of spending and chicanery to force a phony health care bill down our throat, knowing full well the American people wanted absolutely no part of it.
Where was your sense of urgency Obummer when you left town to attend a function with Al Sharpton (another phony) in New York, and an appearance in Pennsylvania all to kick off your re-election campaign while these urgent negotiations were going on?
How do I despise thee? You don’t belong in the Oval Office, you belong under the manure pile behind what used to be my grandfather’s barn you bum.
I found an interesting item on the internet today about ACORN (your old client I believe), copping to a felony of VOTER FRAUD here in Nevada, but of course you wouldn’t know anything about that (of course not).
I found it interesting that some officials speaking on condition of anonymity said today that military personnel at home and abroad would receive one week’s pay instead of two in their next checks, and among those effected would be troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and the regions around Libya.
Most of you schmucks have probably never served in uniform.
Is that how little you think of our men and women in uniform, how many of you snakes will be getting short paychecks?
Back to the negotiations, the Democrats have already ruled out agreeing to stop funding the year-old health care overhaul or to deny Planned Parenthood all federal money. Reid added that he will not agree to any of the curbs Republicans want to place on the Environmental Protection Agency (which would mean we can’t drill our own oil), nice try you sourpuss SOB.
As for Senator Reid I as a resident of Nevada think his win in the last election was as phony as the President’s educational background. (NEED I SAY MORE?))

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