Sunday, April 10, 2011

For The Pacifists Consider This

For those who consider some remarks made on this blog extreme or inflammatory stop a moment and consider this--

What if Cap and Trade was passed?

What if ObamaCare wasn't being stopped dead in it's tracks and death panels for the elderly and severely disabled were a fact of life?

What if the coal industry was taxed into oblivion for the sake of the quack science scammers pushing global warming to line their pockets collecting carbon credit commissions?

Imagine and this isn't a far off hypothetical, $5.00 a gallon gasoline, and the across the board inflationary pressure on prices it will create. Do you see a pay raise where you work on the horizon? Obama said he favored $5.00 per gallon gas. The planet demands it dontchaknow.

Imagine getting behind on debt all over again, because the cost of living is soaring.

This time will you lose your other car or go without health insurance?

Ask when the new round of layoffs are coming? With rising prices comes an economic slow down. Businesses don't keep employees when inventories aren't moving out of the warehouses because consumer pockets are empty.

Who did Obama back in the Wisconsin fight? The union parasites who clamor for more and more of your tax dollars, that's who. Even when you don't have enough to provide for your families, they want more so they can retire at 50 on a six figure retirement. To hell with you and your loved ones.

Imagine rising food prices creating the choice of sitting in the dark or starvation.

What if ALL of what Obama planned had been implemented? How many deaths would he and his henchmen be responsible for? He's done enough already.

How many more of the elderly, most who have worked all of their lives, would have died from freezing to death in the snowy north or succumbing to the heat in the burning south because they had no money all because of what Obama had on his drawing board to fundamentally transform America and redistribute the wealth you've fairly earned? Picture the thousands who have been put on the street because Rahm Barney and Chris devastated Fannie and Freddie, to create an anti republican sentiment favoring Obama's ascendancy. Thousands upon thousands cast out into the streets, lives ruined, so Obama could move into the White House.

Look at the cost to every American, for the stagnation. All of these "bad " years will take an equal number of "good" years just to get back to even. How's that for progress? How many years do you have in your lifetime to take ten steps back, and then fight like hell to get them back, just to reach square one again? Who in their right mind would characterize that as any where near progress or prosperity? I call it a lost generation for America. For all the good it has done you going to work for these past years, you may as well sat in a jail cell. You've gotten little to nothing to show for all of your honest work, but a tax bill. And if Obama had his way that tax bill would be even higher.

We've just witnessed a budget battle pissing contest, with Obama preferring to pay abortion doctors over soldiers who defend our freedom. Now how f'*cked up is that?

When some piss ant "white house" advisor says we are a sideshow because we demand answers, it's time to get enraged. Hanging is too good for them.


1 comment:

  1. Yeah and whos doing something about it??!? nobody. Not you and not me. Not Boehner and Damn sure not Reid. Im all about it, my friend. Lets get this thing on!!! Sitting here and bitching about it,,, EVEN THOUGH ITS RIGHT!!! Doesnt do shit!!! LETS GO OUT THERE AND FIX THIS!!!


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