Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I’m starting to smell a rat when it comes to Fukino’s latest exposition about the long form. Seems to me a perfect storm is brewing for 2012. It’s amazing how Abercommie can’t find Barry’s BC, but Fukino suddenly knows exactly where it is and exactly what’s on it. It’s also odd that FactCheck took down Obama’s Certification of Live Birth image. That tells me a few things:
1) A long form has been created and will be released. An image of it will be placed on FactCheck
2) No one will be allowed to inspect the ‘original’
3) The Obama camp will use this as a distraction to claim they fulfilled their obligation to show proof he was born in the US. This will take away Trump’s thunder. It will distract and disarm the real issue which is parentage. Most of all, it will become their Alinsky ace-in-the-hole to ridicule and belittle all ‘birthers’, especially those expounding the true source of his ineligibility – his alien father.
I can just hear the Obot chorus: “He showed his long form! You’ll never be satisfied! Nothing is enough for you ‘birthers’! You’re all nuts!” The sad part is a Dancing with the Stars mentality populace will think that’s all he needs to be eligible.
My feelings on this are such. The Iranians were probably tapped to counterfeit a birth certificate. They, along with the North Koreans and Israelis, are probably the best counterfeiters on Earth. Obama has dealt Iran many favors by eliminating their opposition in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya. I imagine they were brought in to make this airtight.
Fukino’s roots need to be tapped. Has any new, sudden bank accounts been opened for her? Does she have any intelligence ties? The groundwork for Barry’s meteoric rise was set long before he arrived on the scene and there is much scrubbing of his past that occurred before he was even known. Fukino could have been an intelligence plant to cover and obfuscate.
The long form needs to be analyzed. For a proper counterfeit, paper stock of the era of Obama’s birth must be used. That means a document from that era will need to be scrubbed of current printing and Obama’s “birth certificate” overprinted on that now blank piece of paper. The actual birth certificate must undergo full spectral analysis to determine if any undertyping is present and the paper must to sampled and vapor-phased for the presence of tell-tale solvents that are used to lift old print from paper. Just as the chemistry of paper leaves a tell-tale footprint, so do any chemicals used to scrub old documents of their print.

1 comment:

  1. this won't work & will in fact backfire in a big & terrible way. If the barking troll pulls such a stunt he will then have to explain why he let Lt.Col.Terry Lakin be court marshaled & JAILED!!! when all along he could have proved his status as POTUS.


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