Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Let their lying lips be silenced, for with pride and contempt they speak arrogantly against the righteous - A comment from the BLOGOSPSHERE...

Trump Interview 11 April 2011
As a lawyer you were sworn to uphold the law. Your argument and ridicule of Donald Trump wanting to look into the legality of eligibility which is a requirement of the US Constitution, Article 2, indicates to the public that you have no regard for the law, the constitution nor the truth. You accuse Mr. Trump of gamesmanship yet that is precisely what you do every night. Eligibility has been questioned from the start, yet you as a lawyer, have obviously failed to read Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution, the definition of natural born citizen, the founding father’s intent and the law of nations. Our forefathers wanted to assure heritage of at least a second generation true American citizen, and not a foreigner raised with dual allegiance, alien to the ways of American citizens and culture. If the highest office in the land fell to a foreign invader it would destroy America, which is an act of treason.
In the words of VAN SUSTEREN: “All right, the birther issue — and I don’t want to beat a dead horse, but I’ve heard you say that are you doing something. I don’t agree with you on this whole birther issue. Plus, I think you’re doing a great fund-raiser for the Democratic Party. But putting that aside, you — you — you have said that you are investigating. What are you doing?”
“VAN SUSTEREN: No, no. This is the Republican woman governor, Laura Lingle, who she said that she spoke to the head of whoever it was and that they looked at it. So”…
Actually Greta her name is Linda not Laura. The “head of whoever, or whatever” and ‘whoever’ saw “it” what Greta? If ‘it’ was a birth certificate, from what Country, what attending or hospital, located where? Then you proceed to show the audience a supposed document, implying authentic some how, calling it a Certificate of Live Birth but the paper reads Certification right at the top of the page. Can you read?
(unity of jus sanguinis and jus soli) The claimed biological father was not an American Citizen, just having been born on American soil does not qualify to hold the office of Commander in Chief and there is no proof American soil is the place of birth. The Indonesian adoption also plays a role. Applying these facts, already disqualifies.
“TRUMP: I’d like to see proof. You know, Greta Everybody has that. There’s no records! There’s no records! There’s no birth certificate, there’s no records!”
End Game, I agree with Mr. Trump and I want to see proof for the sake of this country. If I wanted to watch a Pinhead news network I might as well watch CNN.
s/ Victoria Windsor of the Commonwealth of Virginia

1 comment:

  1. FooxUp Newz scores again,,,
    Another distorter comes out of the wood work,
    Greta van Susteren showed her Jack Ass ears,
    Maybe her real name is Greta von Goebbels,
    Propaganda minister for “ aka Obama”


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