Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Congress operates much like the Mafia, except the Mafiosi are not paralyzed with fear when someone calls them “racist” or “birther.”

Obama’s ineligibility: We now have elective despotism
 By Lawrence Sellin Full Story

We have elections, but we have no representation. Congress operates much like the Mafia, except the Mafiosi are not paralyzed with fear when someone calls them “racist” or “birther.”
A made man, also known as a wise-guy, is someone who has been officially inducted into the Mafia.


  1. Congress gone wimpy...
    The main thing they fear is lip seperation from his posterior,
    The best thing to do is flush Congress several times,
    to be sure you have event the largest chunks.

  2. We need a 3 day birther convention in Washington. NOW!


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