Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Essence of Racism is in treating two candidates differently because of the skin color of one.
     John Sydney McCain is WHITE/Caucasian;
     Barack Hussein Obama is BLACK/Mulatto;
     In the 2008 campaign for President, John McCain was required to show his Long Form Birth Certificate AND the location of the birth, AND the nationality/citizenship of his parents at the time of McCain's birth.
BUT NOT FOR OBAMA - The essence of racism.
Following that racist demand that 'Whitey' McCain ‘show his papers', the Senate (including Obama) voted on SR-511, declaring McCain to be a ‘natural born Citizen’ (as required by Art II, Section 1, Clause 5) BECAUSE he was born of two U.S. citizen parents.
BUT NOT FOR OBAMA - The essence of racism.
*  POT(US) = President of the United States (pun intended)
So the ‘racist’ Obama calls Americans who stand up for our laws and our Constitution – RACISTS. By his interpretation, understanding, and use of the word – all us Article II Constitutionalists should be proud to be called a ‘racist’ by Obama and his cabal of thugs and supporters.
It is not a crime to be ‘racist’ (unless you think that laws enforcing ‘thought control’ are acceptable under the unalienable rights of our Constitution), but it is a crime to aid and abet in knowingly seating a usurper in the Office of President and Commander in Chief. It is also a crime to continue to aid and abet in his crimes of Treason:
      from his unconstitutional suspension of Posse Comitatus;
      to declaring unconstitutional wars without the approval of Congress;
      to attacking sovereign states for defending their borders, while failing in his sworn duty to do so himself;
      to posting blatantly forged documents concerning his purported place and condition of birth: Mispersonization of Identity, a Federal crime and an impeachable offense, punishable by 15 years in Leavenworth prison (NOTE to all members of the 112th Congress: Misprision of Mispersonization of Identity carries the same penalty);
      and to violating his oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic, etc., etc.
… it is a crime to continue to aid and abet without calling for immediate IMPEACHMENT proceedings under charges of TREASON.
However, you, as a member of Congress, can possibly redeem yourself, lest you be charged with Misprision of Felony/Mispersonization/Treason, by calling for his IMPEACHMENT NOW!
Stop calling Article II Constitutionalists ‘RACISTS’ and instead do your sworn duty to support and defend the Constitution – by calling for IMPEACHMENT NOW!

In Liberty.
Neil B. Turner Citizens for the Constitution

1 comment:

  1. Impeachment is a no go for a lot of reasons, what is needed is an arrest and criminal prosecution of this foreign born bastard.


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