Saturday, June 18, 2011


By now, you’ve likely been over-satiated by the coverage of the Anthony Weiner debacle; although, the puns and double entendres have provided a brief moment of national levity.  And, no, I’m not going there.  

However, let’s take a look at what Anthony Weiner actually did.  Weiner sent sexually suggestive messages to women who were not his wife.  Despicable?  Yes.  Criminal?  No.  Weiner sent both inappropriate and explicit images of his junk to women who were not his wife.  Despicable?  Yes.  Criminal?  No.  Weiner told the world that a hacker was responsible for those images being sent (in other words, he lied).  Despicable?  Yes.  Criminal?  No.  Weiner told a group of reporters that he did not know Oscar Mayer, and that he did not send the images.  Okay, I “went there” a little.  But, the bottom line is that Anthony Weiner acted in a way that most moral Americans find deplorable, and then, when asked about it, he lied.  The only caveat I would add is that those acts were not criminal unless they involved anyone who was underage.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently, one of the "lucky recipients" was 17 years old. This is another example of majoring on the minor while ignoring the usurper in DC.


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