Friday, June 17, 2011

Operation Fast and Furious Has Blown Up In Obama's Face

Obama and Holder can't deny involvement or foreknowledge thereof fast enough, when it comes to Operation Fast and Furious. Today's news adds another high profile death, to Obama's Operation Fast and Furious blunder filled scorecard. Linkage was made to a politically connected mexican attorney who was kidnapped, tortured then murderd by cartel gunmen using US Dept. of Injustice supplied assault weapons.

Obama's denial of any knowledge of F and F, is but another lie in a long list of Obama lies. Of course he knew of this plan to migrate assault rifles to the cartel. The phony cover story of "wanting to track these weapons to collect data on mexican gun violence " is wafer thin. Where did Obama and Holder think these weapons were going? When the Border Patrol was ordered to NOT interfere or intercept gun traffic heading south, who did they assume would be receiving these weapons??? If the purpose was to actually track these firearms, why wasn't RFI tracking chips covertly implanted into the guns? That would have shown the exact movement and locations for all 1500 guns. Instead these weapons are being recovered by ones and twos, at crime scenes, and raids. No telling how many murders were committed in the mean time between point A and Point Z. What kind of useful data is gathered from that, when all the crimes between B through Y gets omitted.

But this isn't about tracking guns from the US.

What Operation Fast and Furious was supposed to do, was give Obama and Holder more domestic political backing for US gun control, and grounds for violating the 2nd amendment. Fast and Furious was a US gun control shill operation, from start to finish. If not for the Border Patrol agent that blew the whistle, we the American people, would not have learned of Operation Fast and Furious.

Obama cost BP agent Brian Terry his life, because it was a F and F weapon used by an illegal immigrant drug runner, that killed him. Cest La Guerre'. Obama figures if you're gonna make an omelette, ya gotta break a few eggs. Agent Terry was an egg to Obama nothing more. When it comes to disarming America, what's an egg worth or a mexican attorney for that matter?


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