Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mark Levin smears Dr. Jerome Corsi as "goof ball"


In the second hour of Mark Levin's radio program, at 8:11 PM eastern standard time, while on a castigation of Jeb Bush lecturing Conservatives on only to deal with the "issues" concerning B. Hussein Obama, Mark Levin blurted out the following rant:


"I don't know about Constitutional qualifications (for Obama). I will leave that for the goofballs".

After being the source for the British Nationality Act of 1948 which exclusively uncovered and explained that Mr. Obama in having Barack sr. as his birth father named on his birth certificate, IN DETAIL, that Mr. Obama jr. is British according to British and American Law, I really feel the betrayal of Mark Levin in his joining the likes of ilk Ann Coulter, in smearing Birthers, who birthed the Tea Party and are the Tea Party, so Mark Levin has termed all of us goof balls, and has therefore joined the Obots in smearing Americans like Dr. Jerome Corsi who has been hounded by this Obama voting lot, in stress he does not need.

I first championed Dr. Corsi, when Barack Obama and Raila Odinga attempted a passive assassination on him in a Kenyan detention cell. It is no secret that one can "rough people up" by putting them in confinement, deny them food, water, medication and outside contact, and if one suffers medical conditions like Dr. Corsi, the stress kills the individual.

This same protocol was undertaken in a DC prison with Lawrence Sinclair. It is textbook Obama thuggery in his political wing attempts passive assassinations, while Mark Levin stuffs his face with Big Macs and strawberry twizzlers, tucked safe away in his million dollar lifestyle.

This blog takes the roughing up of any underdog with great interest, whether it is Levin smearing American farmers and ranchers on ethanol production or in Levin now terming Dr. Corsi, not by name, as a goof ball, because every single person in this world knows it is Jerome Corsi's censored book by the Levin Obamites which is the focal point in proving the Constitutionality of the Birther facts.

I have warned people to not trust Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh or any of their guest hosts as they go on these Obama perpetual vacations. They are all about 40% American, 30% patrician and 30% Obama.

Degrading the very people who are the ones who gave the GOP the 2010 political victory, who are the very Tea Party, who are the ones who literally stopped Obama as Levin was about his Jeb Bush "issues" is something Mark Levin must be made to answer for.
I know listeners are tuning him and the front bench frauds off, because Levin keeps trying to pad his numbers like Obama pads his shoulders with "Well I got people online, on ipods, on the moon listening to me that Arbitron does not measure".

I have reached out to Mark Levin. I have been patient with Mark Levin. I have explained things in detail to Mark Levin, and I have castigated Mark Levin, but when it comes to smearing someone who put their life on the line in Kenya as Levin was calling his dog his children while stuffing his face with food which was paid for by hardworking Americans who are being Obama raped Levin never calls attention to his good buddy Rush in fomenting this Karl Rove Gridlcok and Sean Hannity abandoning and sabotaging the Tea Party to save his posterior, this is a matter of Mark Levin is doing more good for keeping Barack Obama in power than in protecting America.

Mark Levin is the Vichy Con. He is a collaborator. He is the elite Ashkenaz who sold ghetto Jews for orange marmalade as he sipped champagne with the Nazi's..........the same National Socialists who installed this undocumented Obama into the White House.

As Mark Levin has now admitted he doesn't have the brains, understanding, education and comprehension to address the Birther issue about Obama's eligibility, my demand is then, that he shut the hell up and put Dr. Jerome Corsi, Pamela Barnett, Albert Hendershot, Phil Berg and the host of digital forensic expert on has hosts for hour two..........and Levin can go walk Bob Barker on a leash and they can chew on rawhide sticks.

You are the problem Mark Levin. You like that friend of your's Sean Hannity owe Dr. Jerome Corsi an apology for your sabotage and smears.

Just keep it up Mr. Levin and God will take your little world from you.



  1. no telling how many billions are made by right wing radio/tv when you have a total schmuck like obama in office. acknowledgment of the fraud long form will just kill the golden goose.

    america needs a real hero now but they are all dead.

  2. You are spot accurate on your thoughts about
    Levin and his cohorts in the crime and cover-up
    that is ongoing. The truth must and will prevail
    and ALL the frauds will face the reality of their
    lies and the consequences for such. We must hold
    the line!


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