Monday, August 22, 2011

On April 27, 2011 the Obama finally released what he claims is his long form birth certificate, and although the document is clearly a forgery created by the Obama machine, it contains one extremely important detail which openly admits Obama is not a eligible to be President – his father's name and nationality – Barack Hussein Obama of Kenya.
You see, whether or not Barack Obama II was born in Hawaii has never been the main issue. The main issue is whether he holds "natural born citizen" status as is Constitutionally required of any President. By law, a "natural born citizen" is one who is born of parents who are both legal Americans; not resident or illegal aliens, and certainly not foreigners visiting America on a student visa like BHO the first. Barack Obama's father was NEVER an American citizen. He was a Kenyan citizen. By presenting a document that claims foreign paternity, Barack Hussein Obama II has openly admitted he is not legally eligible to serve as President of the United States of America.
We must now fight to ensure our states refuse to allow this imposter to steal the White House yet again in 2012!
There is a reason forgers always get caught; paper trails are nearly impossible to erase.
Susan E. Nordyke was born in Hawaii the day after Barack Obama's reported birthday. In fact, she was born at the same hospital where Obama claims to have been born. And Nordyke has released her official long form birth certificate – which proves Obama's newly released document is a complete forgery.
The discrepancies between these two documents are numerous, but the most glaringly obvious proof of forgery is the file and certificate number on the upper right side of each document.
Nordyke Birth
                      CertificateObama Long Form
                      released 4-27-11
Ms. Nordyke's Birth Certificate            Fake Obama Certificate
Allow me to explain. In every county of this nation, there is a County Clerk or Registrar whose job is to document births, deaths, marriages and other official papers for archival purposes. This documentation is given a certificate number and entered into record books. The certificate numbers are issued in sequential order based on the date the Clerk or Registrar received the official document. The later a record is registered by the county clerk, the higher the certificate number.
Ms. Nordyke's birth certificate was registered August 11, 1961 and has a certificate # of 61-10637
Barack Obama's newly released birth certificate is registered August 8, 1961 and has a certificate # of 61-10641.
See the problem? Obama was supposedly registered 3 days before Nordyke, yet Obama's certificate lists a number 3 digits after Nordyke's.
This is impossible.
If Obama's document were legitimate, it would necessarily have a certificate number before Nordyke's.
We can thank Donald Trump for forcing Obama to play an ill-considered hand AND criminally revealing hand. Now it is imperative we ensure that Trump, the state legislatures, and others finally looking at this crisis hear from us about all the evidence of wrong-doing and collusion that continue to unfold. We must demand our state legislators require proof positive evidence of eligibility for any candidate seeking the highest office in our land, or Barack Hussein Obama may well steal the election once again.
There is no question that doubt exists as to the Constitutional eligibility of Barack Obama for the Office of President, yet efforts to prevent a continuation of dereliction of dutyReal BC Billboard on ensuring Constitutionally qualified candidates in the 2012 general election remains an uphill battle.
State legislatures across the nation are moving to require Presidential candidates provide long form birth certificates, proof of natural born citizenship status and evidence of eligibility when running for the office of President – but both major political parties are dead-set against such accountability.
Jan Brewer, Governor of Arizona, just vetoed a bill that would have required candidates to present their long form birth certificate. Don't let YOUR governor make the same mistake!
Decorated U.S. Army war veteran LTC Terry Lakin is served hard time in the Ft. Leavenworth military prison for seeking to confirm the lawfulness of his orders from the man presently occupying the Oval Office. By daring to question the legitimacy of his Commander in Chief, Lakin was removed from his outstanding career, and imprisoned. NONE of the information above was allowed to be presented in his trial. Justice has been railroaded and our Constitution trampled. My friends, we cannot allow this travesty of justice to continue. Please support Declaration Alliance as we continue to the fight to clear LTC Terry Lakin's name and restore the power of the United States Constitution to its former glory.
The usurper Barack Obama and his political machine have nearly complete control over the mainstream media which fights every day to keep evidence such as I have presented above OUT of the public eye. ONLY WITH YOUR HELP CAN WE INFORM THE PUBLIC AS TO THE CRIMES THIS ADMINISTRATION CONTINUES TO COMMIT. HELP DECLARATION ALLIANCE SAVE OUR CONSTITUTION, AND SAVE THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC!
It is not an overstatement to say that the future of our ordered liberty rests on the question of Obama's eligibility. In the same way all roads lead to Rome, all the dirty, Marxist, Constitution breaking legislation and Executive branch atrocities lead back to the birth certificate… because it's not a law if the man signing it isn't qualified to be President.
We CAN save the Republic, but I desperately need your help. The Obama Machine has already announced it plans to raise over $1 Billion to re-elect Barack Obama. That kind of money controls media and message that is hard to compete against… but the Constitution will not prevail unless the American public has the facts. We don't need billions of dollars in foreign and dirty money to expose the truth. The facts are on our side. But we do need your help to get the word out and keep the pressure on Obama to prove his eligibility.
If everyone who receives this message would sacrifice $100 toward preserving their own freedoms, we could ensure that enough concerned Americans learn the truth to make the difference. We can still halt this shocking travesty of justice, and put a stay on the Obama faction's destruction of our Constitution. Please act TODAY – time is short!
For more information go to
Keep Faith,
Ambassador Alan Keyes
If you prefer to donate by check, please mail to:
Americans United for Freedom
National Processing Center
PO Box 131728
Houston, TX 77219-1728

Proof-Positive is a project of Americans United for Freedom,
a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization (pending) which focuses on nonpartisan
civic education and advocacy regarding important national issues.

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