Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Obama’s Dirty Hands

President Obama face WH photo SC Obamas Dirty Hands
Still at the top of the news is the dishonest ad put up by Barack Obama’s super PAC that implied that Mitt Romney was indirectly responsible for the death of cancer patient Ranae Soptic after the closing of the GST Steel plant in 2006.
It is now known that Mitt Romney was not managing the plant when Mrs. Soptic died,and the Obama super PAC has offered no apology to Governor Romney for their blatant lies.
The Dems are saying that the GOP is making too much ado about it,but it was not until it became a national issue that Obama said anything. He claimed he had no knowledge of what his PAC was disseminating. Here is a case of a whopper morphing into a double cheeseburger right before our eyes!
Life and death rise far above mere op-eds and opinion pieces,which is why we want to view only facts as they are available. It is a comparison we will make here and no more. The disparity between Mr. Obama and Mitt Romney begs to be carefully scrutinized,especially as it relates to deaths that may have been caused indirectly by either candidate.
As stated,it is now known that Governor Romney was not responsible for Ranae Soptic’s death directly or indirectly. The death count for Mitt is zero. As also stated,the apologies offered to the Governor also stand at zero.

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