Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Fireworks at Coburn Town Hall yesterday in Claremore, OK
From Eligibility activist and author of Memoirs of a Community Organizer from Hawaii,  Miki Booth:

Fireworks at Coburn Town Hall yesterday in Claremore, OK  (My posting on Facebook)

I was the first person he called on to speak. I was able to talk about Sheriff Joe's evidence of forged birth certificate, forged selective service card, 25 year use of a CT social security number not issued to him...before he cut me off and said to ask my question. He refuted what I said about HI prefix would be 575 or 576 NOT 042 - He said the
SS numbers are not by state. I asked where he got that information and he said from the SS admin.
I asked if he gets his research from the Congressional Research Service (Alinsky-style misinformation service) and he said 'yes, and also Snopes and Factcheck and they have debunked the issue time and again.'
He said to me, "YOU don't get to talk anymore! Ask your question. We’ve already wasted enough time on this and its not going to solve anything. There's more important stuff to work on." I said, "So we should just let him get away with it?" He answered, "He won't get away with it. No one ever gets away with it."
He got very angry and shouted me down, said I was taking away the right of others to speak. My question was "Will you call Sheriff Joe Arpaio and hear his evidence?" He said "yes." 
The so-called Town Hall was really a Sen. Coburn SUCK-UP FEST. People that were with me got distracted when they heard people saying nasty things about me when I wouldn't stand down. Saying stuff like "Shut-up bitch!" 
Coburn confirmed he would call when he has time. I asked him as to when that might be and he said when he gets back to D.C. in about 3 weeks. 
There's more...If you know any reporters or radio show hosts who wants to interview me for more of what happened...have them email me at or leave a message at (918) 678-4838. I will screen messages. 
Wayne Allyn Root also caught a coup yesterday as far as being heard. He spoke to Pastor James David Manning during the CIA Columbia trial May 14-18, 2010. What he said then is exactly what Drudge, The Blaze, Rush, Hannity and other mainstream conservative media is reporting now. He's been marginalized all this time - just like us. Transcripts of the trial can be read on along with contact information for Rev. Dr. James David Manning.
In liberty,


  1. They are obviously covering up for Obama.

    Do you honestly think they do not know exactly what they are doing?

    Don't kid yourself, meanwhile they are preparing for the final take over of our government.

    The communists are about to come out of the closet folks.

    Our Government is LITERALLY plotting against us.

    It's Past Time To Wake Up Patriots...

    Stop Wasting Time On Insignificant Topics.

    They Know The Birth Certificate Is Fake.

    They Are Parties To A Communist Coup.

    They Are Knowingly Committing Treason.

    This is the REAL news...

    The Washington Times Reports That The US Military Is Preparing To Fight "Tea Party Insurectionists."

  2. Way to go Miki, put the pressure on those RINO's who choose to ignore the Constitution for political expediency.


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