Thursday, August 6, 2009

DESTROYING AMERICA...right before your eyes!

America has been taken over by a foreign power
Originally posted by admin in Saturday, June 27th 2009

We are done as a nation. Our fake President is not a US Citizen and his name is Barry Soetoro. Democrats and Republicans know this as does Fox News who interviewed a lawyer who went to the Supreme Court over this issue. Russia, China and other countries also know the truth. Why don’t Americans wake up? I think that we are so caught up in our own immoral behavior that we will sleep until it is too late. We desperately need a wakeup call. We need an attack by Korea or Islam. America may wake up when it it too late.

Fox is hiding this and even Glenn Beck pleads with people to get involved but he is afraid to really speak the truth about Barry Soetoro. What would a foreign power to if they wanted to dismantle a capitalistic system? Here are some points:

1. They would get a foreign agent elected, a Trojan Horse.
2. They would begin to spend the country into bankruptcy.
3. They would tax people so much that everyone gives up on trying to succeed.
4. They would begin to buy up the banks and big corporations.
5. They would give the prime share of corporations to unions.
6. They would use community organizers to register any and everyone fraudulently to vote.
7. They would put bad mortgages on the books.
8. They would control the census so the opposition cannot be elected.
9. They would take from the rich and give to the non-working poor and let unions be all-powerful.
10. They would put a strangle hold on industry that will skyrocket energy costs and send business over seas.
11. They would create a health care system that has so much power that anyone that resists the government will be put into a mental ward.
12. They would pass hate crimes legislation so that any vestige of morality will be done forever.
13. They would pass pass laws and make FCC guidelines to eliminate conservative programs from radio and TV.
14. They would use major media outlets and printed resources to promote propaganda to keep people in the dark.
15. They will submit to the United Nations and abolish national sovereignty.
16. They would travel the world apologizing for America and letting terrorist nations know that we are defenseless.
17. They would cut defense spending and do nothing while terrorist nations proliferate their influence around the world.
18. They would allow Israel to be vulnerable to attack while making overtures to rogue nations.
19. They would blame all the problems on former administrations and keep marching forward with their destructive agenda as if America wanted to be destroyed.
20. They would sell all of our foreign debt to communist nations.
21. They would apologize for capitalism while reaching out to totalitarian dictators.
22. They would offer openness while operating a cloak and dagger operation that makes use of Chicago style politics.
23. They would constantly be having town hall meetings where media helps to put on a show of lies and deception aimed at deceiving the America people from the truth.
24. They would party while the people in America were being laid off almost like the way Nero fiddled while Rome burned and then blamed the problems on the Christians.
25. They would appoint czars over every facet of American life that could not be removed because they are not elected into office.
26. They would give the US Federal Reserve power over all financial operations in every company in the US with the ability to take over anyone and limit pay to anyone.

I could go on, but does anyone else see that this is exactly what Barry Soetoro is doing and no one is stopping him, not even Hannity, Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, or Fox news.

I think that it is time for Americans to rise up and march on Washington and take over the capital while throwing all the criminal government employees out while we replace them with common everyday people. Will America rise up or is this our last few days and months of freedom? It is up to you to decide.

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