Sunday, August 2, 2009

Where Is The Main Stream Media ??

The Obama Kenyan B.C. story has been on line for several hours, where is the US main stream media? The story questioning Obama's eligibility which has been a topic much maligned for almost a year, now has a smoking gun albeit a smoking gun awaiting testing. How does this differ from the five o'clock news reporting a story of a shooting, where the alleged gun involved was recovered, and it awaits ballistic testing?

Our press, since the days of Ben Franklin have been the De Facto guardian of our American Freedoms. Yet during the flash-in-the-pan phenom of Obama Mania, the press has miserably failed the America people. Nothing less than a full house cleaning should be expected by the citizenry. We most certainly should file a class action lawsuit IMO.

More on this later.......


  1. Is this thing real? Where was it found? Is it in a safe spot? Tell us more, this is exciting news. I sure hope it isn't a hoax.

  2. I notified Drudge, O'Reilly, Beck and FOX NEWS "UReport" as soon as the Kenyan birth certificate was posted. They all acknowledged receipt. Let's see how long it takes for anything to appear in public.


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