Thursday, August 6, 2009
Where's Paul Revere When You Need Him? A MUST READ FOR EVERY AMERICAN!
Where's Paul Revere When You Need Him?
The Crisis
By Jim O'Neill Thursday, August 6, 2009
Attentive readers will remember that I talked about the “moral equivalent of war” in my last article. I’m going to start this article out by discussing that phrase, and its implications, in a little more depth.
What is it about war, that the Left could possibly find alluring? Quite simply, it’s the fact that mobilizing the population for war enables grand social schemes to be implemented.
It isn’t actual war per se, that attracts the Left, but the opportunity it affords the Left for radical social experimentation.
But wars can be expensive, unpopular, and inconveniently short. So what to do, what to do? Enter the concept of the “moral equivalent” of a war—a social crisis—the bigger the better.
Given that it so nicely fits the requirements of a “moral equivalent of war,” one could be forgiven for thinking that the current economic crisis was planned.
One might also be forgiven for thinking that a secret cabal orchestrated, and is continuing to orchestrate, the current economic crisis. What a swell crisis to use as a cover to foist all sorts of social engineering projects on a distracted American public .
Also, besides social engineering, I should mention the more mundane allures of lust for power, and greed, as motivating factors. It’s worth noting that Goldman Sachs, who has its tentacles throughout our government, has been one of the few corporations to profit handsomely from the whole mess
In the 1960s, two Columbia University (a school Obama attended) professors named Cloward and Piven came up with a refinement of the “moral equivalent of war”—the eponymous Cloward-Piven Strategy.
In an article that appeared in “The Washington Times” last fall, Robert Chandler had this to say about the economic crisis: “There is plenty of blame to go around for the financial crash. Yet, there is a distinct odor of the shadowy Cloward-Piven strategy as the taproot of abusive practices that triggered the crisis. The strategy’s goal is to bring about the fall of capitalism by overloading and undermining government bureaucracy.”
Robert Chandler is a retired Air Force colonel, and former strategist for the White House, the Departments of State, Defense, Energy and Justice, and the CIA, so it’s possible that he actually knows what he’s talking about.
Last fall, when his article appeared, Chandler may have been dismissed as some sort of conspiracy-theory nut, but these days he looks like he was channeling King Solomon. If you haven’t done so yet, you should read his short article. His uncommonly clear-sighted view of things can be read here:
I mentioned earlier a cabal. A cabal, as you know, is a clique that seeks power (usually through intrigue). When a cabal rules a country, it is called an oligarchy—a small group of individuals controlling the rest of the people. I believe that an oligarchy of some sort is what we currently have running the United States.
A reader sent me the link to an entertaining video that explains what an oligarchy is, and the video also explains the other various forms of government, and why America is a republic, and not a democracy.
If you have a friend who is politically uninformed, or misinformed, and doesn’t like to read—you might want to consider duct-taping them to a chair, and inviting them to view this video, at their leisure. I’m sure that they’ll find it to be a relatively painless experience.
The video contains information that is required knowledge in these times, and it’s only ten minutes long, so there’s really no excuse not to watch it. You can find it below:
In one of my articles that appeared in CFP during the Presidential Campaign, I compared Obama to a “Well Groomed Trojan Horse,” poised to enter the White House. These days, I see him more as a “Red Herring.”
If a cabal, or oligarchy is the “power behind the throne,” then it’s simply short-sighted to focus exclusively on Obama. Nobody’s clever enough, on their own, to think up and manipulate all of the things we see in play today. I mean, Obama’s bright, but nobody’s that bright.
I would liken Obama to a street magician who rivets an audience’s attention, while his cohorts pick their pockets. Yes, Obama bears close scrutiny, of course, but not to the exclusion of his accomplices—visible, and invisible.
For example, it would behoove us to keep a close eye on Van Viess and the Apollo Alliance. And lest we forget—Goldman Sachs, ACORN, SEIU, and all of the legal weasels that are shredding the Constitution, and—well, the list just goes on and on, doesn’t it?
Mentioning the Constitution brings to mind an email from a reader—a fellow veteran, of my age. He reminded me that when we were sworn into the armed forces we took an oath to defend the Constitution “against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” It was the first sentence in the oath, because it was considered to be of paramount importance.
I don’t know what kind of oath the U. S. military takes these days, but I still feel an allegiance to the oath I took, back in the day.
I received a new U.S. Passport recently (not that I’m considering leaving, mind you), and was pleased to find in it the following quote, concerning the Constitution, opposite my personal data and photo.
“We the People Of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
Don’t interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties
The above quote is, of course, the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1791. The Constitution not only guarantees us our rights, but perhaps more importantly, restrains the government from running rough-shod over us. The Constitution is vitally important to our freedom.
Abraham Lincoln said, ”Don’t interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties.” Amen.
The Left plays fast and loose with the Constitution, and is fond of bypassing the people’s vote by “legislating from the bench.” The Constitution is little more than a joke and a nuisance to the radical left. To them, the quicker it’s shredded, the better.
It is precisely because the Constitution limits what they can do, that the radical left despises it so. They see the Constitution as nothing more than an impediment to their plans for us—their socially engineered people’s utopia.
Never-mind that all such efforts at establishing a utopia have historically ended in failure—usually accompanied by Orwellian regimes and murder on a vast scale.
The grand-daddy of all collectivist movements—the French Revolution—was a blood-bath. The “workers utopia” of Lenin and Stalin saw millions murdered. The Communist regime of Pol Pot saw millions murdered. The Socialist dictatorship of Hitler saw millions die—many in concentration camps. Some estimates of the number of deaths under the Collectivist regime of Mao, run as high as 67 million. I could go on.
One definition of insanity, is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results. Yet the Obama Administration, and many in Congress, want to attempt to turn the U.S. into yet another collectivist “utopian” experiment.
I believe that the United States of America is currently facing the greatest threat to its existence since the Civil War. Sticking a ”Don’t Blame Me, I Voted For McCain” sticker on your bumper, and going your merry way, isn’t going to cut it.
The sentiment famously expressed by Thomas Paine in 1776 is apropos. The following quote is taken from a series of articles he wrote called “The Crisis.”
“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he [and she] that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”
Some people, possessing a decidedly more optimistic view of things than myself, feel that Obama will simply be a one-term President, and we’ll clean up the mess after he leaves. I don’t believe that the oligarchy has any intention of allowing free elections in 2012.
I believe that organizations are, as you read this, quietly putting into place stratagems that will guarantee that Obama (or whatever “front-man” the cabal chooses) is elected President in 2012. If we even have elections.
Yeah, I think it’s every bit that bad.
In closing, let me return to the words of Lincoln again, and say that I pray that enough patriotic Americans awaken in time, so that our “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.”
Jim O'Neill:
Born in June of 1951 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Jim O’Neill proudly served in the U.S. Navy from 1970-1974 in both UDT-21 (Underwater Demolition Team) and SEAL Team Two. A member of MENSA, he worked as a commercial diver in the waters off Scotland, India, and the United States. In 1998 while attending the University of South Florida as a journalism student, O’Neill won “First Place” in the “Carol Burnett/University of Hawaii AEJMC Research in Journalism Ethics Award. The annual contest was set up by Carol Burnett with the money she won from successfully suing the National Enquirer for libel.
Jim can be reached at:
The Crisis
By Jim O'Neill Thursday, August 6, 2009
Attentive readers will remember that I talked about the “moral equivalent of war” in my last article. I’m going to start this article out by discussing that phrase, and its implications, in a little more depth.
What is it about war, that the Left could possibly find alluring? Quite simply, it’s the fact that mobilizing the population for war enables grand social schemes to be implemented.
It isn’t actual war per se, that attracts the Left, but the opportunity it affords the Left for radical social experimentation.
But wars can be expensive, unpopular, and inconveniently short. So what to do, what to do? Enter the concept of the “moral equivalent” of a war—a social crisis—the bigger the better.
Given that it so nicely fits the requirements of a “moral equivalent of war,” one could be forgiven for thinking that the current economic crisis was planned.
One might also be forgiven for thinking that a secret cabal orchestrated, and is continuing to orchestrate, the current economic crisis. What a swell crisis to use as a cover to foist all sorts of social engineering projects on a distracted American public .
Also, besides social engineering, I should mention the more mundane allures of lust for power, and greed, as motivating factors. It’s worth noting that Goldman Sachs, who has its tentacles throughout our government, has been one of the few corporations to profit handsomely from the whole mess
In the 1960s, two Columbia University (a school Obama attended) professors named Cloward and Piven came up with a refinement of the “moral equivalent of war”—the eponymous Cloward-Piven Strategy.
In an article that appeared in “The Washington Times” last fall, Robert Chandler had this to say about the economic crisis: “There is plenty of blame to go around for the financial crash. Yet, there is a distinct odor of the shadowy Cloward-Piven strategy as the taproot of abusive practices that triggered the crisis. The strategy’s goal is to bring about the fall of capitalism by overloading and undermining government bureaucracy.”
Robert Chandler is a retired Air Force colonel, and former strategist for the White House, the Departments of State, Defense, Energy and Justice, and the CIA, so it’s possible that he actually knows what he’s talking about.
Last fall, when his article appeared, Chandler may have been dismissed as some sort of conspiracy-theory nut, but these days he looks like he was channeling King Solomon. If you haven’t done so yet, you should read his short article. His uncommonly clear-sighted view of things can be read here:
I mentioned earlier a cabal. A cabal, as you know, is a clique that seeks power (usually through intrigue). When a cabal rules a country, it is called an oligarchy—a small group of individuals controlling the rest of the people. I believe that an oligarchy of some sort is what we currently have running the United States.
A reader sent me the link to an entertaining video that explains what an oligarchy is, and the video also explains the other various forms of government, and why America is a republic, and not a democracy.
If you have a friend who is politically uninformed, or misinformed, and doesn’t like to read—you might want to consider duct-taping them to a chair, and inviting them to view this video, at their leisure. I’m sure that they’ll find it to be a relatively painless experience.
The video contains information that is required knowledge in these times, and it’s only ten minutes long, so there’s really no excuse not to watch it. You can find it below:
In one of my articles that appeared in CFP during the Presidential Campaign, I compared Obama to a “Well Groomed Trojan Horse,” poised to enter the White House. These days, I see him more as a “Red Herring.”
If a cabal, or oligarchy is the “power behind the throne,” then it’s simply short-sighted to focus exclusively on Obama. Nobody’s clever enough, on their own, to think up and manipulate all of the things we see in play today. I mean, Obama’s bright, but nobody’s that bright.
I would liken Obama to a street magician who rivets an audience’s attention, while his cohorts pick their pockets. Yes, Obama bears close scrutiny, of course, but not to the exclusion of his accomplices—visible, and invisible.
For example, it would behoove us to keep a close eye on Van Viess and the Apollo Alliance. And lest we forget—Goldman Sachs, ACORN, SEIU, and all of the legal weasels that are shredding the Constitution, and—well, the list just goes on and on, doesn’t it?
Mentioning the Constitution brings to mind an email from a reader—a fellow veteran, of my age. He reminded me that when we were sworn into the armed forces we took an oath to defend the Constitution “against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” It was the first sentence in the oath, because it was considered to be of paramount importance.
I don’t know what kind of oath the U. S. military takes these days, but I still feel an allegiance to the oath I took, back in the day.
I received a new U.S. Passport recently (not that I’m considering leaving, mind you), and was pleased to find in it the following quote, concerning the Constitution, opposite my personal data and photo.
“We the People Of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
Don’t interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties
The above quote is, of course, the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1791. The Constitution not only guarantees us our rights, but perhaps more importantly, restrains the government from running rough-shod over us. The Constitution is vitally important to our freedom.
Abraham Lincoln said, ”Don’t interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties.” Amen.
The Left plays fast and loose with the Constitution, and is fond of bypassing the people’s vote by “legislating from the bench.” The Constitution is little more than a joke and a nuisance to the radical left. To them, the quicker it’s shredded, the better.
It is precisely because the Constitution limits what they can do, that the radical left despises it so. They see the Constitution as nothing more than an impediment to their plans for us—their socially engineered people’s utopia.
Never-mind that all such efforts at establishing a utopia have historically ended in failure—usually accompanied by Orwellian regimes and murder on a vast scale.
The grand-daddy of all collectivist movements—the French Revolution—was a blood-bath. The “workers utopia” of Lenin and Stalin saw millions murdered. The Communist regime of Pol Pot saw millions murdered. The Socialist dictatorship of Hitler saw millions die—many in concentration camps. Some estimates of the number of deaths under the Collectivist regime of Mao, run as high as 67 million. I could go on.
One definition of insanity, is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results. Yet the Obama Administration, and many in Congress, want to attempt to turn the U.S. into yet another collectivist “utopian” experiment.
I believe that the United States of America is currently facing the greatest threat to its existence since the Civil War. Sticking a ”Don’t Blame Me, I Voted For McCain” sticker on your bumper, and going your merry way, isn’t going to cut it.
The sentiment famously expressed by Thomas Paine in 1776 is apropos. The following quote is taken from a series of articles he wrote called “The Crisis.”
“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he [and she] that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”
Some people, possessing a decidedly more optimistic view of things than myself, feel that Obama will simply be a one-term President, and we’ll clean up the mess after he leaves. I don’t believe that the oligarchy has any intention of allowing free elections in 2012.
I believe that organizations are, as you read this, quietly putting into place stratagems that will guarantee that Obama (or whatever “front-man” the cabal chooses) is elected President in 2012. If we even have elections.
Yeah, I think it’s every bit that bad.
In closing, let me return to the words of Lincoln again, and say that I pray that enough patriotic Americans awaken in time, so that our “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.”
Jim O'Neill:
Born in June of 1951 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Jim O’Neill proudly served in the U.S. Navy from 1970-1974 in both UDT-21 (Underwater Demolition Team) and SEAL Team Two. A member of MENSA, he worked as a commercial diver in the waters off Scotland, India, and the United States. In 1998 while attending the University of South Florida as a journalism student, O’Neill won “First Place” in the “Carol Burnett/University of Hawaii AEJMC Research in Journalism Ethics Award. The annual contest was set up by Carol Burnett with the money she won from successfully suing the National Enquirer for libel.
Jim can be reached at:
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