Friday, March 12, 2010

The Beck Deception ; Controlled Opposition
Where there is an open mind, there will always be a frontier. – Charles F. Kettering

If you are a die-hard Glenn Beck fan (like I was), please keep a very open mind as you read this. Our freedom depends on it.

I know too many “ex-Glenn Beck fans” who are using the wrong approach in attempting to show you why Glenn is more of a threat to the American people than he is a truth-teller or savior. I don’t entirely fault them because I understand their frustration as well as their “sense of urgency”. The simple fact of the matter is that if “We The People” do not begin to think for ourselves, and stop the conformity, we will continue to be misled, and we will get nowhere in our fight to regain our freedom and liberties.

In my quest to understand how our country has gotten to where it is, I found Glenn Beck. Not only did he seem to have the answers, he was also providing me with excellent information about people and groups (the czars, ACORN, SEIU, Andy Stern, Anita Dunn, etc.) who surround and influence our president and our policies. I was sure Glenn had stumbled on some pretty beefy information which offered a great explanation as to why our country was going to hell in a hand basket.

For months, I never missed a Glenn Beck show. At the same time, I continued my relentless research on the internet for as much “truth” as I could get my hands on and I’m convinced this allowed me to keep a healthy perspective on “truth”. One day while watching Glenn – a warning signal sounded in my head. In realizing just how massive of a following that Glenn was gaining, I cautioned myself to be careful and to keep an open mind. As indicated by history as well as the bible, I understood that anyone who has the ability to gain such a mass following of people also has the ability to lead that mass astray.


You cannot gain a mass following by telling lies. In order to deceive, You MUST use the truth… or at the very least, what might be acknowledged as truth by the masses (more on this later).

The majority who align themselves with Glenn Beck consider themselves to be “conservatives.” If you fall into this category, you do not follow CNN or MSNBC because “you are able to see the lies.” You can’t conform to their viewpoint because there isn’t enough truth in their message to keep your attention. CNN or MSNBC cannot deceive you because you see no truth in their message. Deception can only deceive if it looks somewhat like the real thing.

Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive


Many of you will refuse to believe that you are being deceived by Glenn Beck because you cannot fathom any reason why he would do this. Without considering the big picture, this is understandable. Because of this, you have rationalized that the “Beck Bashers” must either be jealous of his fame and fortune or they are just “idiot liberals.” Before we can begin to explore “how we are being deceived”, we must first ask the question, “Why?” The short answer is controlled opposition, and this is where it is crucial for many of you to gain and keep an open mind!..... continued

1 comment:

  1. This a a great article, I feel the same way. I think that after the first of the year and Glenn's contract was renewed...things changed and I don't know why, but I haven't been watching his show as regular. I sometimes feel that the"powers that be" have put a damper on what he says.


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