Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Contact Your Governors Ask That They File A Writ Of Quo Warranto

If the several states feel obliged to pass a Proof of Eligibility Law for candidates to get on a ballot, is this not a defacto admission, that "something is amiss " with Obama's eligibility?

We Constitutionalists need to spin off, not away from the Tea Party mind you,and start rallying outside our State Capitols, weekly if necessary, demanding the Governor direct the state Attorney General, file a Writ of Quo Warranto on behalf of the residents of the respective States. Now not 2012.

This Writ can be added to the 10th Amendment Constitutional challenges to any Federally mandated Obamacare Health Insurance Bill.

Fox News hasn't mentioned a word about such queer goings on in State Houses as Eligibility Amendments proceed to law. Beck and his crack staff are whizzes at uncovering such obscure stories. How is it they've missed this one? Seems to me there is a 700 Lb. Gorilla in the room that they somehow don't see, maybe the room is blacked out.

Murdoch needs to call his Arab friend for instructions pronto, the house of cards is about to collapse.


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