Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Vetoing a veto proof bill is the utmost in arrogance. Talk about ignoring the will of the people.

Jan Brewer just showed what a rank amateur she really is, no wonder her road to the Governor's mansion passed through the State Secretary's office. Lest we forget, she was also Janet Napalitano's Lt Governor, and got the job as governor by default when Ms Incompatano became Homeland Defense Secretary for Obama.

Trust once lost can never be regained.


1 comment:

  1. A person Anonymously wrote a post that stated she, Brewer, was one of TEN Governors appointed by aka Obama to be Governor of one of the ten districts that HE has designated to take the place of States in his reorganized form of government -- part of the a North American Union, I guess. That post collaborates others that I have read elsewhere that describe the new North American Union -- as proposed by Republican Presidents going all the way back to Eisenhower. aka Obama now has a "Council of Governors" hand selected to insure that he has sycophants in place for his takeover.

    Of course, Brewer may NOT be influenced by such pending possibilities -- she may have merely succumbed to "Chicago style" intimidation -- as was Federal District Court Judge, David O. Carter. (Cement shoes for himself OR members of his family.)


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