Thursday, August 11, 2011

From the Blogosphere...

Obama's approval rating would be far lower, the reason his approval ratings remain relatively high is that Obama is an absolutely perfect reflection of liberalism itself.
Obama is a black man palatable to liberal sensibilities - sure, he belongs to the most prestigious victim group a person can belong to - he's black (even though he has a white mother).

That alone puts him at the front of the line for sainthood (and he has been so anointed by the mainstream media). But what's even better is that he's TOLERABLY black for the liberal fashion: He doesn't have an extreme appearance; he has close-cropped hair, an acceptably light skin color and facial features that are more racially neutral than, say, a Mike Tyson. He looks good in a suit. He can inflect his speech exactly as a white person would, but can also slide effortlessly into hip hop chic when it serves him. In other words, he can "pass" on the vast white plantation known as "the left."

Then there is his substance: He has none. His entire political philosophy is a wink and a nod, a spit and a polish, a footprint in the sand, a library full of bromides, platitudes and shibboleths that can all be summed up into a few stale, hoary chestnuts: Rich people are greedy and evil; there's such a thing as a free lunch; there's no problem that can't be solved by throwing money at it; government's job is to take care of its subjects; all money is the government's first; America is an evil oppressor; all animals on the animal farm are equal, but some are more equal than others. Demand-side Keynesian economics stimulates the economy. You really can pull a rabbit out of your hat if you have all of the right attitudes.

That is Obama, and that is liberalism. There are those who believe it, those who want to believe it, those who use the belief as an instrument of revenge and those who exploit the believers to cash in with either money or power or both.

Liberalism is a mirage that presents us with a picture of a pristine, fertile, soothing oasis only from a great distance; upon arriving at what was perceived to be a copse of shade trees, an abundance of succulent fruits and the bubbling brook of delicious, cool, life-sustaining water, one finds only desert. But even as the empty sand runs through the liberal's fingers, he casts his gaze upward - and invariably spies another oasis just on the horizon and heads for it with zealous passion, uneducated and undaunted by the reality he is about to abandon in favor of Hope.
Obama is the man who wasn't there; he has no character save political expediency; no morals save getting even with perceived enemies who've denied him what he believes he deserves; no values save self-aggrandizement; no ethics save the exploitation of one group at the expense of another; no soul save that empty reflection of what others want to see in him; no joy except the grim gratification of an endlessly voracious and eternally empty spirit; no intelligence save a vacuous glibness; no curiosity save the desire to know how others perceive him; no knowledge save that which the media bestows upon him; no honor except that which he squanders on villains, fools, knaves and despots; no life except that with which credulous fawners and cynical felons inflate him.
He IS liberalism. An empty promise, a malevolent force in the universe, a black hole that can only suck matter and light in, whence it is never seen again.

Liberals are loath to become disenchanted with the Great Enchanter because that would be a tacit admission that they themselves are empty frauds.

Because every single one of them IS Obama, and he IS them, and that singular triumph of the false over the real, of vanity over ethos, of resentment over industriousness, has brought America to her knees.

The coup de grace is at hand.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sir or Madam,

    I'm in awe of your writing ability. A beautiful example of the expressive art. I salute you.


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