Saturday, August 20, 2011

From the blogosphere...

In a time of great uncertainty we can still be sure of a few things. Since our current national debt of $14.6 trillion is 146 times $100 billion, we will take 146 years to pay it off at the rate of $100 billion per year, interest not included. The interest is $250 billion per year. Once we add that in, our new total pay off amount is $29 trillion, but could go much higher. However, we plan to borrow much more: $7 trillion more in just the next 10 years. That will mean an additional 70 annual payments of $100 billion each, interest not included. So, our payoff time will increase from 146 years to 216 years. This is called generational theft.

What have we done to our children, their children, their children, and counting? Talk about living as parasites…on our own offspring. History will indeed report that our leaders soaked in thoughtless, apathetic, selfish wickedness…just like thieves. They tell us all the borrowing was necessary to fund bailouts, stimulate the economy, and pay entitlements…as if our children will never need face the same challenges in the next 146-215 years and will not need to use some good AAA credit. Oh no. We are so very special. We had to borrow it all now and expense it to them: a $14.6 trillion debt and counting, interest not included. This is taxation without representation for sure. Future Americans must not be paying their fair share though their income is zero dollars. We should shoulder our own misery, but we persist in making those future Americans who are completely innocent and least able to defend themselves against us pay it.

Can you imagine? Debtor says, “I want another loan.” Creditor responds, “How much do you owe?” Debtor says, “So much I need at least 146 years to pay it back.” Creditor says, “Tell me your plan.” Debtor says, “I have no plan to pay it back. I will only pay the interest.” Creditor says, “You want your kids, grand kids, and great grand kids to pay it back?” Debtor says, “It will be very painful for me if I do not get the loan for my needs. I will print some money, too.” Creditor says, “But you have no plan?” Debtor says, “I plan to borrow 6.5% more year over year instead of 8% more year over year.” Creditor says, “You owe so much it will take 146 years and counting to pay it back, you have no plan to balance your budget, you print money, you plan to borrow 6.5% more each year than you did the year before…forever, you dump all your debt on 3 future generations and counting, and you want us to believe that you have integrity, and are worthy of full faith and credit?” Debtor says, “I want what I want when I want it, and I want it right now for my needs. Give me the loan.”

We should have been downgraded when our debt exceeded $4 trillion, not $14.6 trillion. We have essentially taxed 100 million Americans who won’t be conceived for the next 50-100 years at least $14.6 trillion. We even use some of that money to fund some of the abortions of those presently conceived. Wicked. We assault some of those in the womb and also all of those who have. not. even. made it. there. yet.

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