Monday, August 8, 2011


Attorney Taitz at Hawaii Department of Health: Denied Access; Files Motion for Emergency Order to Show Cause and to Compel Attendance...

Correction: Chief United States Magistrate Judge Richard L. Puglisi
Orly Updates: Attorney Orly Taitz now at the Hawaii Department of Health; The Taitz v. Ruemmler FOIA Complaint related to Obama's birth certificate and social security number now docketed and assigned to Chief Judge Royce Lambert.

Check back for more updates on attorney Orly Taitz's quest to inspect Obama's nonexistent 1961 birth certificate, not on file at the HDOH. It is said that Taitz was handed a denial letter and she is now headed to the federal courthouse in Hawaii.

Just filed: 08/08/2011 1 (Proposed) Order on Ex Parte Emergency MOTION for Emergency Order to Show Cause and to Compel Attendance for Production of Documents and for Attorneys' Fees and Costs - by Plaintiff Orly Taitz. (Attachments: # 1 Emergency Ex Parte Motion for Emergency Order to Show Cause and to Compel Attendance for Production of Documents and for Attorneys' Fees and Costs, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit C)(emt, ) (Additional attachment(s) added on 8/8/2011: # 5 Exhibit D) (emt, ). (Entered: 08/08/2011)

08/08/2011 2 Filing fee: $ 39, receipt number HI000664 re 1 Ex Parte Emergency MOTION. (emt, ) (Entered: 08/08/2011)

08/08/2011 3 NOTICE of Hearing on 1 MOTION to Compel is set for 9/14/2011 at 10:00 AM in Courtroom 6 before JUDGE RICHARD L. PUGLISI. Plaintiff to provide notice of the hearing to Loretta Fuddy, Health Department, State of Hawaii. HERE and HERE

New: Dr. Jerome Corsi: Orly Taitz update -- just spoke to Orly -- Hawaii DOH refused to release birth certificate information on privacy grounds. Orly returned to federal court. District Court judge issued a show-cause hearing for Sept. 14 in Hawaii, demanding head of Hawaii DOH be present in court to argue why subpoena should not be complied with. Orly very upbeat -- feels getting court date for a hearing is a major breakthrough.

CORRECTION: Chief magistrate judge Richard Puglisi replaced an Obama appointed judge. Thanks OBOT. Profile HERE

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