Monday, May 21, 2012

A born citizen is one with citizenship from birth. A natural citizen is one with citizenship by birth, -independent of the existence of any law, -not dependent on human legislation, -a citizen by being born as a citizen. If one is a citizen by birth then one is not a citizen by law because law only relates to the citizenship of those who are foreigners and children born to them. No other law regarding citizenship exists nor can legitimately exist because no authority is provided to Congress to legislate regarding the citizenship of natural members of our country. The citizenship of natives of the American nation (beginning with the creators of Congress) is beyond the authority of Congress to touch.

Dangerous Questions & Explosive Answers

(the untouchable Nitro of Obama’s ineligibility)
A Chief Justice of the Supreme Court wrote in a ruling: “Citizenship is nothing more than membership in a nation”
A Obama supporter wrote: “Citizenship is a legal concept, not a matter of Natural Rights.”
This statement begs the question: “What is the concept and where did it come from?”  It certainly didn’t come from another dimension.  It has to have a source, and that source is:
The Principle of Natural Membership.
By that principle animals and humans are, by birth, members of the group into which they are born.  They are natural members of the group.  They are natural citizens of the nation.  They aren’t outsiders because they were not born to outsiders but to members.  Their membership is therefore natural.
The Constitution reserves one office solely for a “natural born Citizen” and that is the office of the President
The addition of extra adjectives (“natural”, and “born”) to modify the word “Citizen” did not come from the laws or interpretations of a federal government that did not yet exist, so those adjectives are simply common language words with common meaning.  They can’t be twisted and contorted simply to fit one’s preference.
The word “natural” actually means natural.  It does not have any reference to the location of one’s birth.


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