Saturday, May 19, 2012

Born in Kenya Obama Bio Also Used to Promote "Dreams from My Father"
Arpaio: Kenyan Bio Another Element in Obama Fraud
AZ Sec. of State Threatens to Remove Obama from Ballot ...Author is Scared to Death ...Let's See Who Signs the Next Fraudulent Hawaiian Document
Evidence Obama Born in Kenya Goes Beyond 1991 Brochure ...Literary Company Behind Kenya “Error” Still Lists Obama As Client


  1. the sec of state of az is saying things that make it look like he is going to back down.

    like, if they don't give us what we want, we'll ask someone else for blah, blah, blah.

    in other words, he ain't going to do squat. it was all for show. he's nothing but a lying pos like all the rest of em

  2. Even if he was a good president, one who didn't divide the country but brought us together, one who honored American exceptionalism, one who honored the wishes of the people, we would still question the discrepancies (lies) in his stories about his history and his closing all his records using taxpayer's money. Even if him and his wife and his children didn't bleed us dry with their extravagant vacays, we would still question his cover ups.
    Obama is a liar, a sociopath and not fit to be the leader of the free world, as long as we can keep it.


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