Thursday, August 9, 2012

Who Is Hiding What?

Harry Reid SC Who is Hiding What?
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has done something that I thought no politician would ever do:blatantly lie about a Republican with absolutely NO proof or credibly-named source! Harry Reid,“The Evil Dwarf,”actually made this accusation on the floor of the United States Senate! A flat out,in your face,partisan accusation,intended to do nothing but put doubt in voters’minds about Romney’s character. Now,keep what I’m about to say in mind as you consider Reid’s accusation. First,Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi refuse to put their own tax returns out for public scrutiny;why? Second,Harry Reid made a $1 MILLION profit on a piece of land in Nevada that he said he didn’t OWN? Hey Harry,we’d really like to know your real estate secrets so that we poor peons paying your salary can get in on a little of your pot of gold!

According to the news stories at the time,there seemed to be a dark shade of seediness about the whole deal;why? You went into the Congress on the verge of bankruptcy,Harry,and now you’re a multi-millionaire! Wow;you should write a book about frugality. It would definitely be a bestseller. You keep blaming the Republicans,Harry,for doing nothing to help solve the nation’s problems,but they’ve submitted over 30 bills that they say would stimulate job creation;yet you alone refuse to allow them to be brought to the Senate floor for discussion! Why? Could it be that you’ve been playing PARTISAN politics for the last two years just trying to HIDE anything that might show Americans who the real obstructionists are?

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