Saturday, November 27, 2010

Agent Provocateurs Among Us

This sign appears on a roadside billboard near North Bergen, New jersey.

Why aren't the members of atheists .org supporting the banning of the Park 51 Mosque? Where is their billboard opposing that religion? Islam is after all the largest organized religion in the world. And as their leader Barry "Barack" Obama states America is a Muslim country.

This also brings up the freedom of speech hypocrisy practiced by atheists .org.  It is argued as an act of pro 1st amendment rights for the atheist's to have this sign, and for Park 51 to put up a mosque on ground zero, yet for Christian believers in this country, we are banned from nativity displays in our towns and villages.

The credibility of the atheists' argument falls away, for equal treatment under the law, when their objections are being revealed as not about their non religious beliefs, but more so as an anti-establishment protest, no make that anti America protests. These people are more anarchist than anti christian.

I vote deportation for these, not constitutional protection.



According to the Declaration of Independence, all our right come from the Creator. Logically, those who do not believe in the Creator cannot have any rights. There should be a discussion of whether the Creator grants rights, or if the government gives unwarranted entitlements to non believers.
By Anonymous on Agent Provocateurs Among Us at 11:23 AM


Excellent point Anon- the Creator does grant all natural rights, even the natural right of free choice not to believe in Him. We as citizens in this country should make it a revokable citizenship offense to purposefully work to bring down our government by way of societal disruption. Sedition is an offense against the government, but it doesn't cover harm to our society. Anarchy veiled as atheism should be a ticket out of here. Why we allow this group along with the ACLU, La Raza, the KKK the Communist Party USA, the DSA, CAIR,the New Black Panther Party, and several others is beyond me.


1 comment:

  1. According to the Declaration of Independence, all our right come from the Creator. Logically, those who do not believe in the Creator cannot have any rights.

    There should be a discussion of whether the Creator grants rights, or if the government gives unwarranted entitlements to non believers.


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