Monday, April 11, 2011

Trump Will Not Be Marginalized-While The Fence Sitters Gawk

Do we ever, owe a debt of gratitude to Donald Trump, by we I mean the nation ! Donald Trump is exhibiting he is cut of the same cloth as the Founders.

Recall the Founders were in many cases very rich, secure in their person and doing just fine in life. But these men had a sense of right and wrong. They had faith in God, and they were men of conviction. These men were visionaries, and they were courageous.

Trump is pledging his fame, his sacred honor and his personal fortune for the sake of the country. Daily he confronts the opposition media and willingly injects himself into the fray, to debunk the lies they peddle on behalf of Obama and the unamerican left.

Trump is fast becoming the media's main target for derision and mocking scorn, yet he never wavers. Sarah Palin of all people should rush to his aid, with more than luke warm remarks that "it's interesting Trump wants to see Obama's birth certificate."

Trump isn't merely looking for a piece of paper, Trump is seeking the Truth. What finer character attribute can a man possess than making truth and justice a core value. What nation can exist that casts aside these same values?

Trump makes the simple statement- "Obama should end all speculation and just show his birth certificate." Why has such an seemingly simple matter ballooned into one which causes such national debate? It is beyond ridiculous the occupier of the highest office in the land holds a simple question in such extravagant contempt

Trump has correctly gauged the sentiment of the American people, that Obama has exceeded the boundaries of a charitable people who routinely give someone caught in the spotlight's glare, a chance to redeem oneself. Obama has been given ample leeway to respond to the accusations, even though his every action are those of a guilty man. Obama can not be afforded the same impartiality allowed the average man on the street, as demanded by those who claim bias and bigotry on the part of doubters, exactly because of the position Obama occupies.

Every four years we as a nation expand the foundation upon which to build. This foundation is the presidency. If the foundation is faulty, the structure built upon it will crumble and fall. All issues that come after the foundation may seem at the time of greater importance, as hopes and dreams rise to the sky however the law of gravity will not be denied. A deceitful foundation will never be willed away by labeling it a distraction, or a sideshow.

The foundation must be truth, so that all good things that come afterwards may stand the test of time.

As we approach Easter, consider the question Jesus posed to his disciple Peter.

He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?
And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Matthew 16: 15-18.



  1. I was required last year to provide the company I work for 20 years, with a Birth Certificate because of legislation passed by Obama that requires all companies doing business with the U.S. government to provide proof of citizenship. I lost my social security card and Birth Certificate when I was young. Since I was born in Berlin Gernany, on a US Army base. I had to wait 2 months to get one from DC. I had a certificate of live birth, but that was NOT good enough.

    So if if aint good enough for citizens, then it aint good enough for the president!

  2. Character will be the main issue in the 2012 presidential elections. Obama will depend on his political performance and rhetoric. Trump will depend on nothing but who he is. The American voter is wise, they would rather bring the character of Trump into their family and leave the political skills and rhetoric of Obama out the door.


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