Sunday, April 17, 2011

Will She or Won't She and What If She Does ?

I love my lead in titles, double ententes and all . We citizen quasi-journalists must stoop to all levels to attract readers.

Governor Jan Brewer is in the crucible. I wonder if she did as Sir Galahad when he suited up in his armor and knelt before the cross in an all night vigil prior to facing his challenge? "All of this will I give unto you" spake Satan.

At this moment on facebook, Gov. Brewer is being besieged with pleas to sign the birther bill. Opposition forces are out, working the net diligently, opining to her that this bill a) is unconstitutional and will not stand up under scrutiny b) racist c) a fool's errand that will cost a lot of money to defend, and will cast more ill repute Arizona's way. Greta has let it be known the bill sits on Brewer's desk, and is a tribute to the nonsensical fringe right wingers. Nonsense. This bill needs to be enacted in all 50 states. This bill is about fair elections. This bill is in line with the constitution.

Jan Brewer is a politician, one who appears a rarer breed than most, in that she seems more like one of us than the others. But that's what we said about Palin.
We have told Brewer, collectively as a nation, via the Arizona state house, we want this bill to become law and hang on the liberty tree of life. Will HB 2177 be the forbidden apple which tempts her to pluck it and eat, bespoiling the Eden we strive to make of this land? Gov Brewer has publicly stated "she yet doesn't know what is in HB2177, that her people haven't studied it , and she has a lot on her plate." I find that comment hard to believe, and respond with an equally trite "okay fair enough, but in general terms are you in agreement with it conceptually? Is this a bill that can be signed, and tweeked to make it better? " Barack Obama feels that way about ObamaCare. Where is the quid pro quo from Brewer on the Birther Bill? Where is the "perfection tomorrow, is the enemy of the good today " dans la vogue chic logic of the day?

This bill was passed in the AZ house last summer, only to be tabled prior to the 4th and final reading in the senate, where it died of unnatural born citizen causes. 2011 marked it's Lazurus resurrection, when the new legislature breathed life into it once again, with a loud shout "Come forth HB2177". And it arose.

Jan baby, you need to have a little faith.


1 comment:

  1. All this bill does is restate the constitutional requirements for the oval office. It is not for or against anyone, unless they do not meet constitutional requirements.


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