Friday, August 12, 2011


« on: July 19, 2008

It was reported over Baltimore news radio several days ago that a researcher investigated Barack Obama's genealogy in detail, examining official government birth records in both the United States and Kenya.  From this primary source documentation, the researcher came to a shocking conclusion -- Obama IS NOT BLACK.  To be precise, the researcher determined that Barack Obama is: 

1) 50% Caucasian

2) 43.75% Arab, and

3) 6.25% African Negro

This corresponds to a demographic breakdown of his 16 Great-Great-Grandparents as follows: 8 Caucasians, 7 Arabs, and one Negro. 

Though Obama's racial/ethnic background is in and of itself irrelevant, it says a great deal about the man when viewed in the context of what he wants people to believe about him.  Since entering politics, Obama has strenuously worked to identify himself as an "African American," i.e. as a black man.  On what basis, though, does he establish this identity?  Genetically, he is infinitesimally black.  Culturally, he is white, having been raised in a white family and having known neither his father nor his father's cultural traditions.  Socio-economically, he is among the wealthiest and most privileged 0.1% of the U.S. population.  Educationally, he's attended -- courtesy of affirmative action -- the finest institutions of higher learning in the country.  Obama doesn't even share with the vast majority of American blacks the "legacy of racism."  He was born in the post civil rights era and his father was a foreigner, so neither he nor any of his ancestors suffered any racial discrimination.  Moreover, there were no slaves among Obama's ancestors, but there were SLAVEHOLDERS and SLAVE TRADERS.  Obama, then, has shared not at all in any aspect of the "black experience" as it has come to be defined in America, yet all accounts he's poised to be the "first black President of the United States."  How has this come to pass? 

Obama, it must be understood, specifically chose to style himself an "African American" as a matter of calculation, as his fastest, surest path to political advancement.  That's why he went to Chicago.  That's why he joined that racist church.  That's why he chose to represent poor black constituencies.  Being accepted into the urban black community, he became a big (political) fish in a small pond, a formidable candidate for elective offices far beyond his meager experience.  Years later, this man who has accomplished and who has been denied absolutely nothing in life has perfected this phony image, having mastered the rhetoric of personal victimhood.  Obama would never wear the American flag on his lapel, but he wears his adopted black identity on his sleeve every day.  It serves as his ticket to entitlement as well as his shield against all criticism.  Whether Obama can ride this one-trick-pony all the way to the White House only time will tell. 

1 comment:

  1. What I have yet to see mentioned is how this fraud reflects upon the intelligence of the black race who so eagerly sought representation that some 95% of them obviously voted for him with NO regard to his ability or experience OR what was known of his record as a State Senator. There are, literally, hundreds of VERY capable blacks who would have done a FAR better job as POTUS than aka Obama! But they are hated by the likes of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and, of course, Jeremiah Wright (the only "real" pastor in the bunch.)


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