Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Obama’s is a regime of revenge. Racial revenge. Nothing more.

David Yeagley,
“Obama must go!” says the Syrian government.
Oh, wait. We have the headline backwards. It’s “Obama says Syria’s Assad to “step aside.” Just like Obama said Libya’s Gadhafi “must go,” back in March, six months ago. Fancy that, our great Muslim leader of the United States, telling other Muslim leaders to step down. Just seems so ironic that we can’t keep the headlines straight. Everyone knows, it’s OBAMA that “must go.” Let Obama step down. Let the alien, lying, black African Communist Muslim traitor step aside.

What are the Syrian people saying? “Obama Step Aside”?

Black Barry of the White House accuses Syrian President Assad?
“His calls for dialogue and reform have rung hollow while he is imprisoning, torturing, and slaughtering his own people. For the sake of the Syrian people, the time has come for President Assad to step aside.”
Actually, these words express how most true Americans feel about the alien in the White House, “president” Barry “Obama” Soetoro, whose words have “rung hollow” for three years, while allowing Americans to be slaughtered by criminal Mexicans–in Mexico and in the United States, to be without jobs (actually around 21.5% unemployed), without income and willing to beg (15% of Americans on food stamps), without hope, and with change–for the worse!
For the sake of the American people, the time has come for President Obama to step aside. Indeed. Thank you, Syria.
Barry Soetoro is locked in self-willed delusion. Never were the words of an American public figure so empty, meaningless, and frustrating. Rush Limbaugh said Obama was an “empty suit” when the alien was first campaigning in 2007. Most experienced, sensible adults knew it all along.
But Barry proved it. Pressured by Donald Trump to identify himself, Barry produced a universally recognized fraudulent birth certificate. I’d call that treason. Barry is an illegal president, and probably an illegal alien. His ascent has been based on lies, fraud, and pretense. What kind of deluded American public would honor such a fake? That is a very serious question. Trump has backed down from the birth certificate issue, but he was right when he said that Obama pulled off the biggest fraud in history. Why doesn’t Trump continue his pursuit of the truth?
It is as if the accuser is most guilty than the accused. To say Barry is an alien liar is to make yourself look lower than he is! How is that possible? Who is pressuring everyone to lay off Barry’s lying personal status? Are people threatened? Why can’t the public see that we have a lying alien in the White House? Is that too unbelievable, too uncomfortable? Would it embarrass Americans to much to admit that they’ve been hoodwinked by a black African liar? Why, that’s worse than being ripped off by a Nigerian on the side walks of New York, buying a fake Rolex. Why, it just can’t be that Obama is completely fake. He’s obviously completely incompetent, and completely anti-American. But, completely fake? That’s just too much.
US Airforce Staff Sgt. Daryn Moran,
one of America’s bravest.

But it’s true. US Airforce staff sargeant Daryn Moran is about to be discharged for demanding proof of Barry’s eligibility, but, Barry’s failure to provide proof only proves Moran is right. Barry is thoroughly illegal. The evidence is overwhelming at this point. Ron Polland, Ph.D., confessed to creating the fake birth certificate released by the White House, April 27, 2011. How much evidence to we need?
Obama is nothing. A political fantasy. No evidence has been presented to affirm any of his personal claims about school, achievement, or even health. This is truly sick. There is a profound pathology in America. Personally, I think it all evolved because Barry is black. White oedipal liberals just had to bless a black. It was necessary, they thought. Their self-righteous souls depended on it.
Michelle and Barry have lived as ‘high on the hog’ as possible. They have indulged every accoutrement of social achievement, spared no penny in self-glorification. They have exceeded all dimensions of basic propriety. Why? Race anger. The American Negro deserves to be on top, to spend every dollar, to indulge every fantasy of success. The Obamas can’t spend enough money! Yes, the presidential wreckage of America is part of the Communist plan of white oedipal liberals; but, there is much personal indulgence on the part of the Obamas as well. It is a perfectly convenient opportunity to help destroy America by personal indulgence. That’s all they’re about.

The First Couple of Immaturity.

The Obama’s is a regime of revenge. Racial revenge. Nothing more. They were used by white oedipal liberals. But, as they say down ‘souf,’ “Coon’s up!” The show’s over. The critter is treed, and the hounds be hollerin’. It’s sad, but, why? It isn’t unexpected. It was inevitable. Barry was willing to play the game. He got fame and fortune out of it, of the highest order, and most unworthily. He was most willing to be used, wholly unqualified and fake as he was. There can be little pity for him.
Obama must step aside. He is virtually worthless. His two-bit Communist notions, his endless toy abstractions, his blathering deceptions, his cavalier strutting, his utter superficiality and vapid indignities, this all must go now. It’s over. He’s out. He’s finished.
If the Syrians aren’t saying it, if the whole Muslim world isn’t saying it, they should be. But, perhaps they are really as empty as he is, when it comes to honor. Perhaps their word is as delusional and ephemeral as his. Barry should try running for office in a Muslim country, like Indonesia, or even Kenya. Third world minds–third rate minds, need to be in the third world.

1 comment:

  1. The worst part of it is none of the clowns in government, either Redumblicretins or Dhimocretins will do anything about it.

    The courts are worthless, DC is full of AZ kissers, so is the Pentagoon.

    Time for the Declaration of Independence to be the lead law of the land, it always was.

    Throw the bums out!


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