Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Health Care Reform

Both Houses of Congress meeting in various committees have 5 versions of Health Care Reform plans. I wonder what that hippagirafalope is going to look like when the finished product hits the floor. Care to guess how many of them will take the time to even read it, much less debate the plan which will encompass 1/6th of our national economy?

No doubt something must be done to address health care. The costs we are charged are way out of hand. Our poor who many times have no access to an automobile to drive to the doctor, think nothing of calling for an ambulance to deliver them to the emergency room for treatment of flu symptoms. Where I live ambulance fees run about $1200 per one way trip. I wish the indigent exercised a little fiscal sense and would just call a limo. The limo's services charge $50 per hour with a 4 hour minimum. That's $200 versus #1200, plus the limo would be available within the 4 hours for the trip home. If they really wanted to watch our tax dollars they could just call a taxi.

So we need to stop the abuse of the system by the poor.

We need tort reform, in order to stop so much defensive medicine and high premiums for malpractice our medical staff pay. That's right, it's not just Doctor's paying for malpractice insurance, our nurses do as well. President Zero addressed the AMA early on and point blank said he opposed any kind of tort reform. The Doctors present booed, but surely the Trial Attorneys put in their orders for their 2nd Yacht.

Have you ever priced a simple ace bandage. 99 cents at the Everything Under A Dollar Store. At the Hospital the same bandage runs $6.00 apiece. Pentagon Prices. Tests, X-Rays, Medical Supplies are way way way over priced. Let's get back to reality here.

No more Drug Patents. Drug companies lavishly pay themselves,fete at the best convention destinations, wine and dine every Tom, Dick and Harry, fully armed with the knowledge that such spending goes into the cost center called "research". It is little surprise the latest wonder drug is priced at $100 a pill. By denying Patent status, by way of Eminent Domain these companies would no longer have a 10 year period to legally rape the sick. Costs related to research should be audited, and unnecessary costs disallowed.

Have any of you heard similar ideas from President Zero? Seems to me its going to be business as usual by the Corporate Thieves who lobby Washington. The only thing which is in debate is how Americans are going to pay for this. Real reform means cost reduction, not denying treatment to the sick or injured.


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