Saturday, July 25, 2009

Who is Saul Alinsky?

Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have in common the teachings of Saul Alinsky as one of the people who significantly impacted their early lives. Brown University student Clinton an Anti-Vietnam War Protester, was so impressed by Alinsky she based her 1969 thesis on a version of his writings entitled "Reveille for Radicals". Obama came across the same Alinsky's writings repackaged as "Rules for Radicals." Where Clinton and Obama differ, Hillary for the most part has outgrown her dabblings in Marxism during her "wild war protester days ". Winston Churchill once said "If you aren't a liberal before 40 you have no heart, if you remain a liberal beyond 40 you have no brain." Hillary somewhat proves the wise statesman's observation although I think Hillary has had her brain stunted by her pre-age 40 radical leftist leanings . Obama differs greatly in that he has drunk in every drop of Alinsky's poison, and it hasn't quenched his thirst. This more than anything makes Obama a danger to America. It is not difficult to apply Alinsky to explain the current actions of Obama. Share the Wealth, that certainly sounds radically familiar. Acorn and Americorp again innocent on the surface, but where will it lead? Has not Obama called for a National Civilian Service force which rivals our current armed forces in every way? Hitler initially armed his brown shirts with shovels, to trade a shovel for a gun is not a difficult task. Why would Obama feel the need to propose such a force to begin with, we have a multitude of volunteer and charitable organizations already? Why not expand the existing American Red Cross, Salvation Army or United Way? Perhaps it falls under hand picking your disciples, training and indoctrinating them to the required level. A cautious guardian of liberty can not but view this man with suspicion

“These are serious times," Barack Obama said recently. "And they call for a serious debate about where we need to take the nation.”[5] That's true! So where does he want "to take our nation?" How does his version of "service" fit his vision of CHANGE? And what will it cost in terms of freedom, privacy, taxes, and government control?

Rather than go into more detail I will provide a link to a website which has much more on this topic. Take the time to read this, it is equally enlightening as it is disturbing.

More on this at a later time.


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