Sunday, July 26, 2009


Constitutional crisis looming?

Posted on 24 July 2009

By Patrick Wood, Editor

The inflam­ma­tory issue of Bar­rack Obama’s birth cer­tifi­cate is gath­ering steam across America: Was he or was he not born in the United States?

If he was born any­where other than on Amer­ican soil, then his pres­i­dency is inval­i­dated. Why? The Con­sti­tu­tion of the United States point­edly requires that the Pres­i­dent be a nat­ural born citizen.

Defusing the issue would be easy: Obama could simply pro­vide a legit­i­mate and com­plete birth cer­tifi­cate proving his birth loca­tion. Not only has he stub­bornly refused to do so, but he has spent sev­eral mil­lion dol­lars in legal fees to thwart var­ious cit­izen law­suits that demand proper disclosure.

Obama has also legally cloaked records that could poten­tially sup­port or dis­credit his cit­i­zen­ship claims, like school records and tran­scripts from Har­vard and Occi­dental Col­lege. Some inves­ti­ga­tors sus­pect that he may have applied for admis­sion as a for­eign student.

The pack of critics (called “birthers” by Obama defenders) is get­ting larger by the day. Lou Dobbs and Rush Lim­baugh are both talking about it. WorldNet Daily devoted an entire issue of Whistle­Blower Mag­a­zine to it. Lawyers have filed dozens of law­suits. Mil­i­tary offi­cers are chal­lenging poten­tially illegal orders to be deployed to combat zones over­seas. Left-wing orga­ni­za­tions are being drawn into vocal oppo­si­tion, thus stir­ring the pot even more.

As the battle heats up, the attacks on the “birthers” by their detrac­tors (mostly left-wing) is taking on a familiar pat­tern. The former are being being ruth­lessly ridiculed, scorned and mar­gin­al­ized as the “lunatic fringe.”

So far, nei­ther side has blinked. Nei­ther is willing to give an inch. The battle lines have been drawn.

Herein lies the problem.

Bar­rack Obama’s approval rating is already drop­ping like a rock and the public is more sharply polar­ized than ever.18778

After just six months in office, Obama has fared worse than even Jimmy Carter in 1976, whose out­ra­geous acts had enraged the Amer­ican public like none before him. Carter had no chance of serving a second term.

Many Democ­rats have already pulled away from Obama, fearing that he is a) too far to the left or b) pur­suing a nar­cis­sistic agenda that leaves them out of the picture.

Obama should have balked during his cam­paign when sup­porters and his cap­tive media com­pared him to the Mes­siah. Every­body hailed Jesus Christ when he appeared in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, but less than three days later, they demanded his execution.

Per­haps Obama was con­vinced by his han­dlers that nobody would care about this nat­ural born cit­izen thing. Or, per­haps they con­vinced him that he could get away with it even if they did care.

What Obama may not know is that these same han­dlers might soon offer him up as a cheap sac­ri­fice in order to force a Con­sti­tu­tional crisis.

Why? Because it would almost cer­tainly require a Con­sti­tu­tional Con­ven­tion to straighten out the mess. Every Pres­i­den­tial act would be inval­i­dated. Civil unrest would be ram­pant. Chaos would reign, and chaos is the desired envi­ron­ment for the powers behind Obama.

With every passing day that the birth issue is not resolved in Obama’s favor, the odds will per­sis­tently increase that a Con­sti­tu­tional crisis will soon unfold, and that America will be polar­ized like never before in history.

1 comment:

  1. With all due respect to the writer. We already know 100% that Obama is NOT a natural born citizen. It matters not where he is born. It's just that the birth certificate is obviously a sticking point for Barry...why else would he not release it? Regardless, when we finally are allowed to present our case...all of America will be educated...Barry cannot be president because his father was not an American citizen at the time of his birth. It's just a matter of educating the stupid and ignorant Obots and making headway with the corrupt media that is protecting Obama. Time is definitely running short for The One.


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