Friday, July 24, 2009

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Obama made a cameo, at Press Secretary's Gibbs daily press conference this afternoon. Our Low Hand Shaker to Kings, used the opportunity to address Sgt Crowley v Gates. Obama spent several minutes saying flowery things, and blowing kisses to Cambridge, yet he was unable to simply say, "Sgt Crowley, I'm sorry, I wronged you".

It is difficult to opine on a racially charged issue without mentioning race. Perhaps it is such where, we agree to disagree. What can be derived from this matter, President Zero has publicly uncovered where his true alliegance lies. It's not to all Americans, it's not to our Policemen, it certainly isn't to White-America or any other hyphen-America with the exception of Black-America. Are we living in the Reverse Jim Crow days, apparently so. If Obama starts wearing Louis Farrakkon bow ties look out.

So how's that Kerchner v Obama case coming along? This Usurper is doing all kinds of harm to the country.


Selected Obama comments from the USA Today
Unspinning the Spin quotes by Steve

He(Obama sic) expressed regret to Sgt. James Crowley for suggesting that the sergeant acted irresponsibly

In my choice of words I think I, unfortunately, gave an impression that I was maligning the Cambridge police department or Sergeant Crowley specifically," said Obama, adding he believes both men are "good people" who did not resolve the incident the way they should have.

Obama said he hopes this ends up as "a teachable moment" that can lead to an improved relationship between the police and minorities. "Lord knows we need it," he said. (yes like not being racially hyper-sensitiveand respecting the badge of a police officer.Steve)

"I wasn't there and the only understanding I have is from what I've read.(how about not assigning guilt before the all facts are in. Steve) I guess I would say you ought to be able to raise your voice in your own house without risk of arrest." (see prior note, Steve)

Back in Washington, Obama did not take questions after his brief statement,(smart move. Steve)


  1. Excerpt from a Fox article...Obama's remarks sparked outrage among many police officers who say the criticism could make it harder for police to work with people of color and set back the progress of race relations that helped Obama become the nation's first black president.

    My comment...Knowing what we now know about Obama's real character - I'd guess that the above result is exactly what he intended.


  2. Will...There's absolutely no doubt about it! The man is racist and his legacy will be that of a divider not the uniter he purported to be. The injection of race and taking sides was pathetic and showed how stupid and irresponsible the man is. Can you only imagine the idiotic things he says to foreign leaders in private? The man is incompetent...but with the corrupt Congress...oh so dangerous.


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