Monday, November 22, 2010

From the blogosphere...Americans are getting pretty angry...

If Obama persists in avoiding the will of the people, he should be tried as a tyrant and if convicted, capital punishment applied. the matter should be done swiftly, effectively and conclusively.

He should be warned and warned sternly if he persists in covert rule he will be tried and executed.
This presidential impostor HAS NEVER CHERISHED THE USA - -and when I strongly suggest US military arrest, tribunal, conviction and execution, for HIGH CRIMES AND TREASON, it should be applied to barry soetoro and ALL HIS CO-CONSPIRITORS, INCLUDING THE ABOVE MENTIONED! EVERY LAST ONE IS WORKING AS AN "ENEMY" OF THE USA and needs to be held "accountable" for their TREASONOUS ACTIVITIES! This action should be initiated AS EARLY AS TOMORROW! 
Nothing shows the cold calculable leftist that our president is more than those he chooses to represent his government views to the people and to the world. Why are we not hearing our other constitutional office holders speak out about this... atrocity? Does anyone take their oath to our Constitution seriously anymore? Obama is the one that should be on trial before this council for his human rights violations of thousand of would be illegal immigrants that have died at the hands of his open border policy, and the untold millions preyed on by the drug underground as a result of the free flow of drugs through those open corridors. 

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