Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Of missiles & money - don’t ask, won’t tell
 By Doug Hagmann Full Story
imageA person of normal sensibilities would have to be intellectually numb, overly medicated or otherwise too preoccupied with keeping food on the table and the proverbial wolves from their door not to realize that there is something very, very wrong going on today.  By now, most Americans have heard about the sighting of what appears to be a missile, and a big one at that, apparently being launched from a location about 35 miles off the coast of Los Angeles near sunset last evening.  Video of the incident was taken from a KCBS news helicopter flying over the mainland at the time.


  1. My guess: a ChiCom sub set out to demonstrate how easily they can penetrate our naval defenses by silently and invisibly arriving at our west coast completely undetected.

    Had that missile they shot off to prove they got here been an EMP weapon, today our nation's power grids would be fried coast to coast.

  2. If it's ours we apparently are not to be informed. It could be that one of our subs fired it by mistake or as part of tests. My guess is that it is an Iranian, Chinese or Russian submarine doing a little show and tell. For more than a year Russia has been testing Englands and our air defenses. Our world is fast becoming a very fragile and dangerous place.


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