Thursday, November 4, 2010

Read the Constitution Onuts Natural Born Is A REQUIREMENT for the Presidency Not the Senate or Congress

Age 35, 14 years a resident, Born of two US citizen parents AT the time of birth, on US soil. If Rubio's parents weren't US citizens when he was born, then he isn't  a Natural Born Citizen and is disqualified to hold the presidency.

Bobbie Jindal's parents are from India and were Indian citizens at the time of his birth in the United States, and therefore Jindal is disqualified. He is NOT a NBC.

 Barack Obama's father was a Kenyan national (if we are to believe that he is Obama's father) and NEVER a US citizen. Obama is NOT a Natural Born Citizen and disqualified. Furthermore Obama is A USURPER and A CRIMINAL for defrauding the people of this country for falsely stating he is a Natural Born Citizen, when he knowingly is NOT.


PS Get It Right Rush- brush up on NBC status and Article II Section 1.

'Liberal birthers' to demand Rubio's birth certificate?

Rush Limbaugh: 'The news media doesn't care where our presidents are born'


Posted: November 04, 2010

By Joe Kovacs

© 2010 WorldNetDaily

MIAMI – After a strong win by Florida's Marco Rubio in a three-way race for U.S. Senate this week, there's been talk of a bright political future for the Hispanic Republican, with some even touting him as an excellent presidential contender.

But a verbal flub by radio host Rush Limbaugh yesterday may have disheartened many, when he inadvertently suggested Rubio was not a natural-born citizen.

"I was told yesterday that I dashed the hopes of millions of people when I said that Marco Rubio was not born in America, and the reason I dashed the hopes of millions of people was because Marco Rubio, if not born in America, couldn't run for president", Limbaugh said on his program this afternoon. "I wasn't aware that I said Marco Rubio was not born in America."

But as the host corrected himself today to indicate Rubio's birthplace was South Florida, the Limbaugh took a jab at President Obama, whose precise birthplace remains in doubt two years after being elected president.

"We know more about where Rubio was born than Obama," said Limbaugh.

"He was born in Miami. So if you are among the millions whose hopes were dashed, and if you left yesterday's program depressed and despondent and near suicidal, please come back from the brink. Marco Rubio can run for president. It was his parents that were born in Cuba. His whole family is exiles but he was born in Miami. There. See? I have revived the hopes of millions and have walked them back from the proverbial ledge."

But he continued to harp on both Obama and the vast majority of news agencies for collectively ignoring Obama's eligibility to serve as commander in chief.

"I'm being told to be careful here," said Limbaugh.

"Liberal birthers may demand Marco Rubio's birth certificate. If he did, he'll produce it, I'm sure, but I'm not worried about it. If Obama's taught us anything, it's that the news media doesn't care where our presidents are born. They don't. Well, let's see if it does. Let's see if all of a sudden the media starts caring where Republicans are born. Up to now they haven't cared where presidents are born. Let's see if they now start caring."

NOTE: Marco Rubio was born in Florida of Cuban immigrant parents. Therefore his parents MUST have been American citizens - in this case, naturalized Americans at the time of his birth - in order to confer NBC status on Marco.  If that is the case, then Marco Rubio is eligible under the U.S. Constitution to run for the presidency.  However, if  Rubio's parents became American citizens AFTER his birth (as in Bobby Jindal's situation) Rubio CANNOT run for the presidency and he cannot run on any U.S. presidential ticket as vice-president either.  That is the law of the land! Article II, Section 1, of the Consitution of the United States of America.

Obama on the other hand, "says" (can we believe anything that comes out of this guy's mouth?) that his father was Barack Obama, Sr. (a Kenyan, i.e., British citizen)  who was NEVER a U.S. citizen.  In fact, Obama has claimed this to be the fact on multiple occasions and has written as such in his phony, self-serving autobiographies (actually written by terrorist, Bill Ayers). If we are to believe Barry, then Barry is NOT eligible to be president.  He is not a NBC citizen. Just on this point alone, he cannot be a legitimate president.

Of course there are other pesky issues  that have not been cleared up such as Barry's actual place of birth, his legal name, his true parentage, dual citizenship, citizenship by adoption, illegal alien, false allegiance, conspiracy to defraud, election fraud, wire fraud, forgery, perjury, identity fraud, social security fraud, selective service fraud, theft, embezzlement, treason, serial lying to the American people, failure to secure the American borders, appeasing the enemy, violation of the Logan Act, etc., but I digress. 

The fact is that Obama FALSELY declared his eligibility for the presidency and in so doing, perpetrated the greatest crime ever against the American people: CAPITAL TREASON if you will. The end result is that we have a a career criminal and a usurper in the White House. 

Sorry OBOTS but these are the inescapable facts.

In the spring (and absolutely no later), WE THE PEOPLE MUST DEMAND that the Republican House  begin investigating all of Obama's crimes  INCLUDING the usurpation of the presidency. If we must categorize it as impeachment, so be it (because you can't really impeach a fraudulent just arrest them!). Can't convict in the Senate you say? Not a problem. Obama will resign before he will allow the truth of his criminality to be fully revealed. 

Obama (or whoever the hell he is and his bitchy wife) will probably flee the country and live in exile in Saudia Arabia with the billions he has fleeced from the American people and funneled into overseas accounts; notwithstanding the enormous sums of money he has been receiving under the table from the likes of George Soros for his efforts to divide and destroy America. Hey you didn't think that Obama was playing this dangerous game for a measly $400K per year and free golf did you? Wake-up have been had! It's time to fight back!

No doubt, Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama will go down in history as one of the great villains of all time. Hopefully we can prosecute, convict and punish him before he flees the country. As for the punishment...What do you think is fair? I know what I would do.



    THAT is the key question!!! (Posing it and answering it vis a vis Marco Rubio WILL FINALLY OPEN THE DOOR AS AN AVENUE TO CHALLENGE OBAMA'S INELIGIBILITY AS NOT BEING A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN (because his father was Kenyan/British when Obama was born -- so, even if born in the Lincoln bedroom of the Whitehouse, Obama is inelligible).

  2. i find it pretty incredible that the Great Talker can be SO ignorant when it comes to the "Birther Issue" -- which has been surpressed by the media BUT is NOW a world wide topic! Is Rushbo SO ill informed that HE does NOT KNOW anythng about the basic law of the land -- OUR CONSTITUTION? He has opinions on just about everything -- but he has revealed his total ignorance of the fundamental Law of the Land! WHO would waste any time listening to him when we now know that his reasoning is SO FLAWED?


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