Thursday, July 16, 2009


From giveusliberty1776:

It is essential that WE THE PEOPLE stop the continuing and increasingly ominous threats of federal usurpation of our rights as American citizens to operate freely and without obstruction, both economically and politically.

The American people would never choose to live under socialism or communism if they truly understood what was happening to them right under their noses every day. But unfortunately, many Americans are oblivious of the threat that the actions of the Obama administration and his allies present to the preservation of our Constitutional system of law and governance.

Many people voted for Obama without looking at his thin resume, his radical associations and his empty rhetoric. They simply hung their hats on "hope" and "change". The fact is that there is no hope with this man as he wields his unbridled power. The hope he laid out during the campaign was a false hope based on lies. Plenty of lies and phony promises. Lies and lies and more lies and even more lies. But what about change? Well there is change alright... there is plenty of change with this statist. Radical change that we can do without! The fact (it is the fact) is that Obama is working to destroy the American economic system and with it our cherished American values and freedoms will also be diminished. What's even more heart-breaking and frightening is that he is doing it with great relish and a contemptible arrogance. This man does not care about you or me. He doesn't. He and his wife, who have always played the victim card are thumbing their noses at us in public and laughing their heads off at us in private. They can't believe that Americans are so stupid.

Even if you voted for Obama originally, this cannot possibly be the "change" you envisioned, i.e., the destruction of the American middle class. Three big government programs are being pushed at breakneck speed by Obama and the corrupt Congress. This is all part of a leftist power grab unlike anything seen in American history.

The three (and there are more coming you can be sure)radical and very dangerous programs are:

1. Cap & Trade - basically you will be told how to live, i.e, what cars to drive, what to eat, how much energy you can use, etc. AND you will be taxed and taxed for the privilege of having the government interfering in all aspects of your lives - all in the interest of faulty science and saving the environment; also you will be penalized for not complying or doing as you "are told";

2. Nationalized Health Care aka socialized medicine - simply put you will pay more for inferior medical care and less options; the government will tell you what you can and cannot have for medical care, longer lines and less choices at higher costs and fewer doctors;

3. Amnesty for an estimated 15 to 30 million illegals who will be given the fast track to citizenship and FREE health care. Why you ask? Because Obama who has already set in motion the plans to rig the 2012 election, wants these illegals voting for him!

Implementation of any combination of these programs will RUIN AMERICA as we once knew it. YOU will undoubtedly see your standard of living decline proportionally. Your goals and dreams will be severely impacted by a radical leftist government that will be intent on telling you how to live your life.

Trust me, these are not simply the partisan words of a conservative who cherishes American values and respect for the rule of law and upholding the Constitution...rather they are simply the words of a concerned American who sees quite clearly a rapid and radical take-over of our way entire of life, and a clear erosion our liberties and freedoms. Respect for the Constitution has been thrown out the window! This can only result in a society that is less free, less secure, less moral and less prosperous than the country we inherited from our parents. This is a sad legacy to leave for our children. We must fight before it is too late!

If you haven't been paying attention these past six months, I suggest you better start now, before it's too late. Some quick research with very little effort, will show that Obama has instituted a radical plan with shocking implications. Also, the facts will clearly show that he is anti-American, anti-Christian, and a Muslim sympathizer and a sympathizer of many of our enemies. He is a radical. He is stubborn, egotistical, mean-spirited, selfish and unyielding. And did I say he lies to the American people...daily. In short, he is danger to America from within.

It's all out there if you are paying attention. One thing is for sure, do not rely on the media who are in the tank for Obama and are probably the biggest reason why we are in this mess today. Do the research on your own. Everything about Obama was out there during the campaign but unfortunately too many ignored the facts. Now we are paying the price because many, many incredibly ignorant and or stupid voters put this man in charge of OUR COUNTRY! Enough is enough! Time to take our country back!

I urge you to make your voices heard in opposition to the bold and continuing encroachments of an out of control government. PLEASE write to your U.S. Senators and your local Representatives and to tell the government to reign in their out-of-control spending. Tell them to stop aiding and abetting this obscene Marxist agenda that is tearing apart the core values and the economic system that made this country great. Tell them that you will not vote for them ever again if they vote for ANY anti-American, socialist programs.

Please don't just reflect on what you have read. TAKE ACTION! Write, fax and call the corrupt politicians and tell them YOU are taking back your country! For your dreams and for the future of your children. Before it is too late!

1 comment:

  1. Feel free to desseminate this message far and wide to your friends and your enemies!


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