Friday, November 19, 2010



If LTC Lakin is railroaded and found guilty next month and falsely imprisoned by this fraudulent White House regime, he will no doubt be pardoned by the incoming republican president in 2012 (it damn well will not be Barry Hussein there for a second can take that to the bank). 

Guess what? ...Lakin will SUE Obama for the myriad of crimes against him when he is released and the American people will be united behind him. AND Obama WILL NOT be able to claim immunity as president without proving he was a legitimate, constitutionally qualified president to begin with! Hey Barry damned if you do...damned if you don't. Might want to re-think this perverted court-martial idea?

Obama is gradually sinking in his own crap. The noose is definetly tightening on the USURPER and his merry band of thieves and perverts.  My guess is that in 2012, Obama won't even be residing in the United States (thank you very much) unless of course he is in a prison where he truly belongs. I think when the fit hits the shan in the new year, Obama and his amazon wife will be looking for an exit plan that includes exile most likely in the middle east. Are you paying attention, obots? Probably a Muslim country.

BTW, the punishment for CAPITAL TREASON is more severe than imprisonment if you get my drift. Are you listening Michelle, Nancy, Harry and Howard? Might want to skip Dodge while you still have a chance.  The natives are getting very restless and you can be damn sure we're not going to stand for seeing an honorable and courageous patriot held as a political prisoner while the non-American, anti-American, anti-Christian, Marxist usurper frolics in the White House, parties and travels the world on our dime and plays his weekly round of golf all the while destroying our freedoms and liberties and shredding our Constitution at every turn! We're coming to take you away Barry Hussein Soetoro. You played the country for fools...we'll see who the fool is.

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