Wednesday, November 10, 2010

From _____ With Love --Pentagon Caught With Pants Down?

The “ UFO” eye witnessed by most of SoCal yesterday  35 miles off the  coast of our second largest city, has the pentagon propaganda machine humming calm soothing tones to the masses. The top brass even had a physicist go on Fox News to ape on about optical illusions and such, making low angle objects appear larger than they normally do in real life, there was also the jet contrails explanation without a pilot reporting in as flying a 45 degree sustained upward attitude flight profile , then it was the lack of rocket mach 24 speeds. ( if nobody was tracking this object on radar, how would they know if mach 24 speeds were reached or not reached?) NORAD's radars track every aircraft, remember 9/11 when they ordered all the airliners to land.

Space Shuttle launch witnesses (and I've seen six years worth from a distance of 5-30 miles, plus unmanned rockets from the JFK complex/Patrick AFB launch facility) will tell you the shuttle doesn't leap from the launch pad. It grunts like a fat man getting off an old sofa initially, not until the shuttle reaches low earth orbit are speeds approaching mach 24 attained, the whole thing from blast off to LEO takes about 90 seconds to go from zero to 18,000. Then again it's all in the design. If yesterday's “UFO” wasn't built for speed, but for show Mach 24 wouldn't be needed now would it?

People who read this blog know I am extremely pro US military, however the Obama pentagon is filled with his ilk who have traded in their oaths to the constitution to support and defend this country against all enemies both foreign AND DOMESTIC, I repeat they have traded that sacred oath for some additional stars on their shoulders, and are willing to give Obama cover at the expense of the security of the American people .

A year ago last October Obama was in Oslo accepting the Nobel peace prize. During the evening outdoor festivities, a missile streaked high over head passing from the East to the West. Vlady Putin was sending his personal message of congratulations to Obama for winning the Nobel, while doing a little Russian muscle flexing.

Switching to the other side of the globe, our military leadership has done a great deal to down play China's ascendancy as a military power. They are one of two nations which could field an army of 200 million soldiers if they chose to do so, yet our pentagon view them as a second rate power incapable of offensive operations outside of their immediate quadrasemisphere.

When China, one shot one killed, one of their own low orbiting satellites, the pentagon marginalized the effort as simple freshman level rocketry.

During the summer of 2009 our navy was involved in fleet sized naval exercises in the South China Sea area, a zone the Chinese view as somewhat domestic waters. Our naval ships were conducting drills simulating sub hunting, and other surface ship activity exercises. Around day three of these exercises, a Chinese diesel electric submarine surfaces within a mile of one of our aircraft carriers. Our fleet admiral and upwards were aghast at the monumental failure of our so called technological edge to detect such an intruder. Such monumental failfure by the escort vessels loaded with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of sensors to protect our one of our precious CVNs from the clutches of such a “primitive vessel” sent shock waves through the Navy. A major reevaluation of chinese submarine design was ordered at once. These "low tech" submarines could come armed with super cavitating torpedoes, that can reach 600 mph underwater. (our non cavitating torpedoes travel around 60 mph.) Fired from a distance of a one or two miles, defensive reaction time is measured in seconds,...... 10 seconds to the mile.

Chinese fire crackers, nothing to worry about, Obama's pentagon doesn't want to embarrass the usurper, otherwise somebody might not get their 4th star.

The pentagon would like for us to believe as another possibility, they are just being coy about what happened yesterday. We realize the need for military secrecy, but to merely invoke it by verbally declaring it so, doesn't always wash with the public. If it was a secret test that our military was conducting very little about this episode reasonably adds up. More questions have arisen than were put to rest by their lame statement. Unanswered simple questions such as --Why perform such a test in broad daylight rather than at night when fewer people could see it? Why 35 miles of the coast of our 2nd largest city if this was to be secret? Why not far out in the Pacific where these type of tests are normally conducted? Why point to "private space launch " activity when no platform vessel was reported in that area? If this object was a an USN accidental launch, why not admit to it? Where did this object land, did it go into orbit? Why was NORAD unable to track this object?

None of the pentagon responses to date seem plausible-- we don't know what this was, but whatever it was posed no threat to the US". Oh really?

Obama arrived in Korea yesterday for the G20 . Was the launch yesterday more muscle flexing? This time was it China? Russia? Iran? N Korea? Venezuela?  Al Qaeda? Was this another case of a Chinese sub closing with US prime real estate without detection? Could any number of enemy states afford to purchase such a vessel from China? Was this a warning, a demonstration, or a practice run? What happened to our Missle Defense sheild, was it in the shop getting detailed?

A quick draw point blank style submarine launched missile attack from a distance of 35 miles, wouldn't necessarily require a nuclear warhead to pose a threat to the homeland. A biological weapon atop such a missile would do the trick on Los Angeles or any other US coastal city.

The pentagon's real message barring any factual admission it was one of ours, seems to be 'remain calm, while the Admirals, the Generals and their Usurper-in-Chief get their collective pants pulled back up from around their collective ankles."


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