Wednesday, November 3, 2010

To All You Obots

Obama was being heckled in Connecticut by his former supporters this past week for his failure to help more with funding AIDS global relief. The current funding level of $900 million which Obama lied about by claiming he was doing all he could, yet it was more than the Bush administration, and the failure was due to a lack of cooperation by the other side of the aisle. Consider if you will when Obama takes off for India Saturday, he will spend more by twice, on this 10 day trip than he has funded global aids relief for a year.

Your leader could double the current level from $900 million to $1.8 billion, merely by a) cutting his trip in half from 10 days to 5 or b) toning down the costs of his India spectacle from $2 billion to $1 billion.

Your leader has replied to the impassioned plea for AIDS help by having a "Let them eat cake " moment.

"For those who have eyes let them see, for those who have ears, let them hear."

Israel 32 A.D.  


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