Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Bobby Jindal busy selling books...dodges the real reason why he's not running for president...HE CAN'T!..Jindal puts his aspirations ahead of the truth!...

Bobby Jindal appearing on 'Kilmeade and Friends' this morning, when asked if he would run for president, tells host Brian Kilmeade he is more concerned about being re-elected governor of Louisiana. If Jindal had been up front and honest, he would have responded that he was not constitutionally qualified under Article II Section I of the U.S. Constitution.  Instead he strings the public along to sell his book, and Brian Kilmeade, a Fox shill when it comes to the eligibility issue, plays along. Disgusting!

The irony is that Jindal during the interview says that Americans need to elect "qualified leaders." Excuse me...qualified also means legally qualified...not just competent. Stop the games Bobby Jindal and level with the American people. Your book is all about leadership...well show us leadership! Not only should Bobby Jindal tell the American people that HE is not qualified under the Constitution to be president...he should be out there on the front lines exposing the fraudulent Obama for the very same reason! But I guess that is asking too much. Where is the integrity, honesty and leadership?

Shame on Bobby Jindal for not being forthright with America. He could have opened up the eligibility issue big time and it could have spread like wildfire. Instead he plays dumb and covers for his own political aspirations! Jindal first...country second! Forget about walking the tightrope Bobby...we need to save our country and expose the usurper! You could have done your country a great service by addressing the NBC issue straight on.  I would have loved to see Hannity's jaw drop.

And Kilmeade, you're a fraud. You say that Obama is an American citizen, but refuse to offer any proof whatsoever! The Fox cover-up continues.

1 comment:

  1. Despite the good done for his state, he is just another Professional Political Pimp [PPP] looking out for himself!


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