Monday, November 15, 2010

Cheaper By The Dozen

In the up coming 2012 election we are going to start learning who the candidates are going to be in about 4 to 6 months.

Wouldn't it be a great thing if, the Right Wing showed some unity of purpose by getting the top 12 names to agree, this election and the future several were extremely critical to the nation, and they would make a pact to work together in the future administrations.

Take the current list Gingrich, Pence, Huckabee, Palin, Pawlenty, Daniels, Christie, Rubio, Bachmann, even non qualifer Jindal. Omitting Jindal for the moment, Let these front runners meet to design a platform, then they all campaign not for themselves, but for thecommon  platform. The people by primary vote would decide who is the Presidential candidate, and who is the VP. The other seven or so, plus Jindal would agree to serve in the administration as either cabinet members or special envoys. A soft term for Czar. I know I hate the Czar thing too, but if the number is held to a handful and not 4 dozen, then special problem solvers as observers devoid of any actual authority can benefit the nation. The line of authority could go directly back to the responsible cabinet member which had been senate confirmed.

This group could agree to a one Presidential term limit each,  once elected as President. Imagine for instance Gingrich as Pres. Pence as VP, the team of Palin, Bachmann, Huckabee, Christie, Daniels, Rubio, Brown, Perry, Jindal and Gulianni  backing them up by serving in some valuable capacity, awaiting their  shot at the oval office (except Jindal) over the next future elections. Think of the experience gained, the insight, and continuity. What would that mean for the economy and stablized relations with our international partners.

The voters would get not just a President, but a dream team of right minded patriots.

We need a cohesive long range plan to right the ship of state. A political free for all pulling in various directions isn't what this country needs right now. My idea is a pipe dream, but what if they did decide to pull together as a team?


1 comment:

  1. No Steve, the concept is not a pipe dream. You're articulating something that I've long held as the only answer to the corrupt political two-party system. We need a government of people whose only aim in life is to preserve the constitutional precepts upon which this country was founded and which established its greatness over the years. This body of people would be dedicated to one pur-pose do what is right and just for all legitimate citizens and to protect America from its enemies. They would be bound by legal contract and not just an oath. Our enemies must include the corrupt political system which has been deliberately distorted over the years for personal gain. Party politics is America's greatest enemy. Our political system is destroying America - and the sooner we wise up to that fact the sooner we can restore America to be..."the home of the brave and the land of the free."

    The thoughts behind this one simple statement could fill a library. I encourage all like-minded readers to spend some time each day to consider in detail what must be done if we are to save America. It's a huge task but it must be accomplished.


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