Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Does anyone else think the Obama Administration is crapping themselves over this Benghazi deal, 
and will do and say ANYTHING to keep Madame Pantsuit from having to testify before Congress?
Does anyone else think that Billy Bob Clinton is pulling in all his chits to protect his ticket back into the White House from having to sit before a Congressional panel and commit perjury? That he's doing whatever it takes -- WHATEVER it takes -- to protect her future 2016 shot at the Presidency?

Does anyone else think that there's so much to this story that it would bring down the entire Obama administration and probably most of Congress if the truth about Benghazi was revealed? And that they are so desperate to keep it under wraps, they're willing to pay whatever it takes to keep The Pantsuit from talking? Even if she had to cut out her tongue?

How very convenient...
WASHINGTON — Doctors treating Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Monday said that she suffered a blood clot in a vein between her brain and skull behind her right ear but predicted that she would make a full recovery.

Reported by the New York Times, propaganda tool for the Obama Administration machine.


Physicians, hospital administrators, newspapers, TV cable "news"...  the money flows.


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