Why Is The Daily Presidential “Safety and Security” Briefing Being Cancelled? (MUST READ)
by Ulsterman on
March 3, 2014
For those with just passing interest in the day to day
functions of a modern American president, the term “Daily Presidential
Briefing” should ring familiar. It is the time when a president
is basically given the security status of the United States – and today,
as Europe teeters under the weight of uprisings, and the emerging
dominance of the Putin Russian government, as well as upheaval in South
America and the Middle East, today’s daily briefing was cancelled. The
question now, and it should be asked, is WHY?

Here is today’s White House release of the president’s schedule, with an updated that then indicates the PDB has been cancelled:
10:00 am || Receives the Presidential Daily Briefing
12:30 pm || Lunch with Biden
1:45 pm || Meets with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu
All times Eastern
Briefing has been cancelled LINK
I have NEVER seen the PDB cancelled, or if it was, the White House never publicly indicated it. The meeting/update is something every president receives even when on vacation and/or travelling abroad. It is an essential component of the daily operation of the U.S. government at the very highest levels. The document is top secret, and distributed to only a handful of administration officials.
Today, if the official and updated presidential schedule is accurate, Barack Obama failed to receive the PDB, and whoever is responsible for distribution of the official White House schedule, was willing to let the world know that.
It also indicates that Barack Obama’s workday doesn’t begin until 12:30 in the afternoon. He has lunch with Joe Biden, a meeting with the Israeli Prime Minister, and then…nothing.
Last week I reported how there was an emergency meeting on the Ukraine crisis – and Barack Obama failed to attend it. This meeting took place AT THE WHITE HOUSE – and the President of the United States didn’t participate: Barack Obama Skips National Security Meeting While Putin Moves On Ukraine
And now today, this same president isn’t receiving the daily safety and security briefing that has been protocol since 1961?
I’ll pose the same question I did last week: WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?
It’s not that the president is lazy – we already know that. What is so concerning is that someone in the White House is signaling to the world of this fact – akin to leaving the gate unlocked and then informing the barbarians all is ready for them to storm the city…
UPDATE: It has been suggested that the briefing may have been cancelled due to snow in Washington D.C. Think about that for a moment. Anyone really believe the top secret safety and security briefing of the United States of America is to be cancelled because of weather? Are we to believe people in this country should expect their mail to be delivered come “rain, sleet, or snow”, but the President of the United States will not be updated on the national security status of American and the world? Not bloody likely. And what message does that send to our enemies? Please don’t attack us when it’s snowing, because we take those days off? -UM

Here is today’s White House release of the president’s schedule, with an updated that then indicates the PDB has been cancelled:
10:00 am || Receives the Presidential Daily Briefing
12:30 pm || Lunch with Biden
1:45 pm || Meets with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu
Briefing has been cancelled LINK
I have NEVER seen the PDB cancelled, or if it was, the White House never publicly indicated it. The meeting/update is something every president receives even when on vacation and/or travelling abroad. It is an essential component of the daily operation of the U.S. government at the very highest levels. The document is top secret, and distributed to only a handful of administration officials.
Today, if the official and updated presidential schedule is accurate, Barack Obama failed to receive the PDB, and whoever is responsible for distribution of the official White House schedule, was willing to let the world know that.
It also indicates that Barack Obama’s workday doesn’t begin until 12:30 in the afternoon. He has lunch with Joe Biden, a meeting with the Israeli Prime Minister, and then…nothing.
Last week I reported how there was an emergency meeting on the Ukraine crisis – and Barack Obama failed to attend it. This meeting took place AT THE WHITE HOUSE – and the President of the United States didn’t participate: Barack Obama Skips National Security Meeting While Putin Moves On Ukraine
And now today, this same president isn’t receiving the daily safety and security briefing that has been protocol since 1961?
I’ll pose the same question I did last week: WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?
It’s not that the president is lazy – we already know that. What is so concerning is that someone in the White House is signaling to the world of this fact – akin to leaving the gate unlocked and then informing the barbarians all is ready for them to storm the city…
UPDATE: It has been suggested that the briefing may have been cancelled due to snow in Washington D.C. Think about that for a moment. Anyone really believe the top secret safety and security briefing of the United States of America is to be cancelled because of weather? Are we to believe people in this country should expect their mail to be delivered come “rain, sleet, or snow”, but the President of the United States will not be updated on the national security status of American and the world? Not bloody likely. And what message does that send to our enemies? Please don’t attack us when it’s snowing, because we take those days off? -UM
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