Saturday, August 31, 2013
Obama seeking political cover by asking for a Congressional vote on Syria intervention
August 31, 2013
Contradicting his own position of a couple of days ago that a timely response to Syria's alleged chemical weapons use was important More
Sarah Palin mocks Obama on Syria dithering
August 31, 2013
Palin scores a bulls-eye More
August 31, 2013
Contradicting his own position of a couple of days ago that a timely response to Syria's alleged chemical weapons use was important More
Sarah Palin mocks Obama on Syria dithering
August 31, 2013
Palin scores a bulls-eye More
Joining Forces to Kill Law Enforcement
By Jerry McConnell Full Story
of the bravest, dependable, loyal to America and innovative sheriffs in
the country is under heavy attack from anti-American forces mentioned
in the heading shown above as they try to bring him to his knees and
strip him of his authority.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, State of Arizona explained in an online article published on Thursday, August 22, 2013 titled, “This Is Outrageous” in which he lays blame for most of the anti-American statements in the public domain on loose and porous borders and a lack of enforcement of existing laws for illegally crossing the border.
By Jerry McConnell Full Story
Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, State of Arizona explained in an online article published on Thursday, August 22, 2013 titled, “This Is Outrageous” in which he lays blame for most of the anti-American statements in the public domain on loose and porous borders and a lack of enforcement of existing laws for illegally crossing the border.
If the Egyptian military releases this document, it would no doubt spell the end of the Obama presidency, bringing impeachment, a long prison term, and perhaps even the death penalty for the USURPER and number one enemy of America.
Evidence Global Muslim Brotherhood Funds Managed by Obama’s Half-Brother Malik Obama
Claim: Obama Administration Paid $8 Billion Bribe to Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
Muslim Brotherhood Documents Linked to Obama Call for the Destruction
of the United States – Could Put Obama in Prison”
- Western Center for Journalism
early 2012, Muslim Brotherhood presidential candidate Mohammed Morsi
pranced around Egypt proclaiming “Jihad is our path,” and thought there
was nothing better than to die in the cause of Allah—that is, the exact language used by terrorists!
Despite this, Barack Obama
gushed on national television after Morsi was elected President of
Egypt. And oddly—or not so oddly—Obama continued to gush over Morsi
while reports surfaced that the Muslim Brotherhood were setting up torture chambers for their political enemies, not to mention openly crucifying Christians!
Morsi was deposed, the Egyptian military discovered a treasure trove of
documents linking the Obama regime with the illegal activities of the
Muslim Brotherhood.
such document is a list of Muslim Brotherhood officials receiving
secret bribes in U.S. currency, paid out by the U.S. consulate,
amounting to millions of dollars.
Investigative journalist Jerome Corsi
has obtained a copy of the document held by the Egyptian military,
proving the Obama regime sent millions of dollars in bribes to the
Muslim Brotherhood.
who was managing all of this money? Did the Muslim Brotherhood walk
around with hundreds of thousands of dollars in their pockets?
Enter Malik Obama, Obama’s half brother. According to Egyptian television, citing the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt:
The President’s brother…is one of the architects of the major investments of the Muslim Brotherhood.
not just talking about the bribes the Muslim Brotherhood received in
Egypt, but the entire Muslim Brotherhood finances—worldwide—that more than likely included an astounding $8 billion dollar bribe to the Muslim Brotherhood made by the Obama regime.
The bribe was payment to guarantee that the huge tract of Egyptian
land, the Sinai Peninsula, be turned over to the Muslim Brotherhood
sister group Hamas, undoubtedly to put Israel in an indefensible
position. The Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas mince no words about their
goals for Israel: total annihilation.
According to Egypt Daily News,
a document exists showing the eight billion dollar “holocaust”
agreement with the Obama administration that was signed by former Muslim
Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi and his second in command Khairat
Al-Shater, both under arrest by the Egyptian military for murder and
Does this document really exist, showing the $8 billion dollar bribe signed by Obama or one of his representatives?
to Khairat Al-Shater’s son, Saad Al-Shater, prior to being arrested by
the Egyptian military, his father was in possession of information
linking Obama with the Muslim Brotherhood that he says would put Obama in prison.
As reported by a multitude of Arabic news sources:
an interview with the Anatolia News Agency, Saad Al-Shater, the son of a
Muslim Brotherhood leader, the detained Khairat Al-Shater said that his
father had in his hand evidence that will land the head of United
States of America, President Obama, in prison.
the Egyptian military releases this document, it would no doubt spell
the end of the Obama presidency, bringing impeachment, a long prison
term, and perhaps even the death penalty.
More transparency from the most rogue administration in US history. Who could be so hot that he wouldn't want the American people to know was coming to see him? We already know that jihadists enjoy unfettered access to the White House, the Muslim Brotherhood, anti-semites, and the subversives at Code Pink, vicious racist and bigot Louis Farrakhan, infamous hater Jeremiah Wright, Al Sharpton, and Jesse "hymietown" Jackson and Bill Ayers just to name a few. And that's who we know about. Just think about it, who and what is this freak hiding?
"The most transparent administration in history" wins appeal to keep visitor logs from the public
More transparency from the most rogue administration in US history.
Who could be so hot that he wouldn't want the American people to know
was coming to see him? We already know that jihadists enjoy unfettered access to the White House, the Muslim Brotherhood, anti-semites, and the subversives at Code Pink, vicious racist and bigot Louis Farrakhan,
infamous hater Jeremiah
Wright, Al Sharpton, and Jesse "hymietown"
Jackson and Bill Ayers just to name a few. And that's who we know about.
Just think about it, who and what is this freak hiding?
Just think about it, who and what is this freak hiding?
"Appeals court says White House visitor logs can be kept from public" Mark Tapscott, The Examiner, August 30, 2013(thanks to Van)
President Obama and his successors in the Oval Office are not obligated to make public the names of individuals visiting the White House, according to a decision of the federal Circuit Court for the District of Columbia made public Friday.
The case was brought by Judicial Watch, the government watchdog nonprofit that has been fighting a long legal battle seeking to force release of the White House visitor logs as public records under the Freedom of Information Act.
But in a decision that is drawing intense criticism from across the ideological spectrum, the circuit court said the president has a "constitutional perogative" not to tell the American people who he or his staff meets with in the White House.
The court said the president has such a prerogative because he is not covered by the FOIA and because of "special policy considerations" that allow exemption of visitor logs from classification as agency records subject to release under the public records law.
President Obama began making public some of the White House visitor logs in 2009, but refused a Judicial Watch request for all of the logs.
Administration spokesmen have often pointed to the partial release of the logs to support the president's claim that his is "the most transparent administration in history."
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton was extremely disappointed by the decision, saying "a president that doesn't want Americans, under law, to know who his visitors are is a president who doesn't want to be accountable. The appellate court decision punches another hole in the Freedom of Information Act, the law which allows Americans to know what their government is up to."
Fitton's group is considering filing an appeal, which would be to the Supreme Court. There is no guarantee that the high court would accept the case.
"The legal gymnastics in this unprecedented decision shows that President Obama is not only one willing rewrite laws without going through Congress. And this legal fight, in which President Obama is fighting tooth and nail full disclosure under law of his White House visitors, further exposes his big lie that his administration is the most transparent in history. The silver lining is that at least the appellate court opened up the records of tens of thousands of White House visits that Obama was trying to keep secret," Fitton said.
The Obama administration is not solely responsible for the status of the logs, however, as the court repeatedly cited in its decision a 2006 memorandum of understanding between President George W. Bush and the U.S. Secret Service, which has custody of the records.
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, another nonprofit watchdog group that, like Judicial Watch, often focuses on FOIA-related issues, pointed to the MOU's role in the
VC Overpasses for Obama Impeachment- Event 2
Time: September 7, 2013 from 12pm to 4pm
Location: Ventura Pedestrian Overpass at Front & Ash
Street: Foot of Ash St
City/Town: Ventura, CA
Website or Web: http://venturacountyteaparty.…
Phone: reply via
Event Type: protest
Organized By: Committee for Obama Impeachment
Location: Ventura Pedestrian Overpass at Front & Ash
Street: Foot of Ash St
City/Town: Ventura, CA
Website or Web: http://venturacountyteaparty.…
Phone: reply via
Event Type: protest
Organized By: Committee for Obama Impeachment
Event Description
It's about time. After years of the most outrageous high crimes and misdemeanors by the Fraud-in-Chief, the public's goodwill has finally began to erode-- Benghazi, IRS, NSA, Supporting al Queda, Illegal appointments, fraud in passing unconstitutional Obamacare, etc, etc.
Nearly spontaneous viral growth of the overpass impeachment events has spread nationwide.
Now, another one has been scheduled for the afternoon of Saturday, September 7.
If you are interested in participating as an on site protestor, sign maker, publicist, recruiter,operations, RSVP:, with name. email, phone and role you want to play. It will be forwarded to local project manager. Or, Just show up
Nearly spontaneous viral growth of the overpass impeachment events has spread nationwide.
Now, another one has been scheduled for the afternoon of Saturday, September 7.
If you are interested in participating as an on site protestor, sign maker, publicist, recruiter,operations, RSVP:, with name. email, phone and role you want to play. It will be forwarded to local project manager. Or, Just show up
Bring: signs (at least foot-high letters), flags, water, food, hat, sunblock, sunglasses, sweater, camera or video recorder or audio recorder, comfortable walking shoes.
want the focus to be on obamacrimes and ideologies alien to our
Constitution and traditions. Keep it relevant. No ad hominem attacks,
racism, profanity, will be tolerated. No "Honk" signs (illegal to honk
in non-emergency situation)
How to make large signs:
See full web posting with map, photos:
MR. TRANSPARENCY?...What a hypocrite!....What ya hiding Barry?
Appeals court says White House visitor logs can be kept from public
The case was brought by Judicial Watch, the government watchdog nonprofit that has been fighting a long legal battle seeking to force release of the White House visitor logs as public records under the Freedom of Information Act.
But in a decision that is drawing intense criticism from across the ideological spectrum, the circuit court said the president has a "constitutional perogative" not to tell the American people who he or his staff meets with in the White House.
Friday, August 30, 2013
" can’t help but worry for the future and morale of our nation’s armed forces."
Defense Department guide calls Founding Fathers ‘extremist’Posted By Charles RolletA Department of Defense teaching guide meant to fight extremism advises students that rather than “dressing in sheets” modern-day radicals “will talk of individual liberties, states’ rights, and how to make the world a better place,” and describes 18th-century American patriots seeking freedom from the British as belonging to “extremist ideologies.”The guide comes from documents obtained by Judicial Watch and is authored by the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute, a DoD-funded diversity training center.Under a section titled “extremist ideologies,” the document states, “In U.S. history, there are many examples of extremist ideologies and movements. The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule and the Confederate states who sought to secede from the Northern states are just two examples.”Besides a brief reference to 9/11 and another to the Sudanese civil war, the guide makes no mention of Islamic extremism.The guide also repeatedly tells readers to use the Southern Poverty Law Center as a resource in identifying “hate groups.” The SPLC has previously come under fire for its leftist bias and tendency to identify conservative organizations such as the American Family Association as “hate groups.”In August 2012, an attempted terrorist attack occurred at the Family Research Council, another conservative organization the SPLC has branded a “hate group.” FRC president Tony Perkins said the SPLC’s designation prompted the attack, stating the gunman “was given a license to shoot … by organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center.”In a statement, Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton slammed the Department of Defense documents for what he described as their bias against conservatives.“The Obama administration has a nasty habit of equating basic conservative values with terrorism. And now, in a document full of claptrap, its Defense Department suggests that the Founding Fathers, and many conservative Americans, would not be welcome in today’s military,” said Fitton. ”And it is striking that some the language in this new document echoes the IRS targeting language of conservative and Tea Party investigations. After reviewing this document, one can’t help but worry for the future and morale of our nation’s armed forces.”
The U.S. military, struggling after defense cuts of tens of billions of dollars, will be unable to pay for attacks on Syria from current operating funds and must seek additional money from Congress, according to congressional aides.
Pentagon Can’t Afford Syria Operation; Must Seek Additional Funds
BY: Bill Gertz
August 30, 2013
August 30, 2013
U.S. military, struggling after defense cuts of tens of billions of
dollars, will be unable to pay for attacks on Syria from current
operating funds and must seek additional money from Congress, according
to congressional aides.
President Barack Obama,
meanwhile, said on Friday he has not made a final decision on a
military strike against Syria. He sought to play down both the scope and
duration of the anticipated punitive missile and bombing campaign.
you’ve seen, today we’ve released our unclassified assessment detailing
with high confidence that the Syrian regime carried out a chemical
weapons attack that killed well over a thousand people, including
hundreds of children,” Obama said.
president said the use of the deadly weapons had violated international
“norms” and that action was needed to prevent the further use of the
future military operation would not involve troops on the ground as
part of a long-term campaign, Obama said. “But we are looking at the
possibility of a limited, narrow act that would help make sure that not
only Syria but others around the world understands that the
international community cares about maintaining this chemical weapons
ban and norm,” he said.
White House on Friday released an intelligence assessment that
concluded with “high confidence” the Bashar al-Assad regime conducted a
deadly poison gas attack using a nerve agent. It stated, “Our high
confidence assessment is the strongest position that the U.S.
intelligence community can take short of confirmation.”
costs of planned Syria strikes using cruise missile ships currently
deployed in the Eastern Mediterranean were not disclosed by Defense
Secretary Chuck Hagel, Adm. James Winnefeld, vice chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, and several other high-ranking administration officials
during a telephone briefing Thursday night for congressional leaders.
We’re witnessing the results of a stealth revolution that is fundamentally transforming America from a society of free and independent individuals into a plantation of controlled, surveilled, obedient and dependent subjects of almighty Government.
Citizenship Truths Learned from Apples and Antarctica
So you’re an American citizen, and quite sure about that fact, and yet do you even know why that is a fact? No doubt you don’t since none of us was taught the truth because of its replacement by a wide-spread “urban myth” about the mechanism beneath the hood that determines one’s nationality.We, like those who came before us, only know the facts (we are Americans and we were born in America) but do not understand what it is that connects the one fact with the other, or if they are even related. Is there a relationship of Cause & Effect? Or no relationship at all?
We grow up with an impression that seems perfectly reasonable and yet it is wrong anyway. We view the matter like people from bygone centuries would view the “Back To The Future” car of Marty McFly if it were a modern electric car. They would quickly make the assumption the what makes it go is pushing on a pedal on the floor. Push the pedal and it goes, -silently and without hesitation. What could be simpler?
But pushing the pedal is not what empowers it since that would be trunk full of high capacity batteries. So it is with citizenship. It is not empowered by the pedal-pushing equivalent event in one’s personal history, – namely the event and location of one’s birth within American boundaries.
Just as McFly’s DeLorean does not go simply because a foot pushes a pedal, so also, your nationality is not determined by the unrelated fact of where your mother was located when she delivered you. Simple Cause & Effect is not the determinant in either situation. That can be illustrated via:
The Antarctica Scenario
If your mother had been a meteorologist who got pregnant the
night before shipping out for a nine month sojourn in a science station
in Antarctica, and you were born there since no flights could land due
to the extreme weather, what nationality would you possess with
Antarctica as your “homeland”? Would it be “none” since no nation owns
the continent? Would you be a stateless person? Or would you be born
with your mother’s nationality? Would your nationality be determined by
national law, international law, or natural law?The answer would depend on when you were born and who your mother was and whether or not your father was acknowledged openly by her or married to her. If he was not, then you would be a natural American citizen if she was an American. If he was, then that might change the nature of your citizenship.
If he was an alien from a nation that recognizes jus sanguinis citizenship (by right of blood) then you would be born with provisional citizenship in his foreign nation but with legal citizenship in the United States via Congressional statute. The statute that would allow your mother’s nationality to pass to you did not exist about 75 years ago. Back then you would not have been an American citizen, only a foreigner like your father.
If he was from a nation that only recognizes jus soli citizenship (by right of soil) then you would be only an American, unless born before the first statute was passed back in the first half of the 20th Century. In that event you would be a stateless person. A citizen of the world belonging to no nation on Earth.
But if your father was an American, you would be an American also. That would be true automatically, unavoidably, irrevocably. You would be what he is or was because he was your head, your sovereign, your boss and your owner. Every child produced by him would be the same as him, -and even more so if he and your mother were children of the same nation. In that case you would be born as a natural member of their country and a natural citizen of the United States. You would be a born natural citizen, -in other words; “a natural born citizen” (as the Constitution requires of all American Presidents).
In that case, Antarctica would not be your homeland because it was not the homeland of your mother and father. You would be a member of their country because you belonged to them and they belonged to it. The same bond that connected you to them connected you to the People, -the society, -the country & nation of which they were a part. That bond has no connection to geography nor borders. It is a human bond and not an artificial man-made artifice that determines something as fundamental as your identity in this world (vis a vis the people of other nations).
That bond is inviolable. The American government possesses no authority to do anything about it except to protect and defend it against a failure to recognize it. It can not rescind nor abrogate it because it does not “own” any rights to it. You, the citizen, own the full rights to your citizenship, -not the government.
You can abandon it if you wish, and the War of 1812 was fought to defend the right of all men to choose which nation they would voluntarily belong to, but the government does not have the authority to make that decision. Why not? Because the founding fathers understood that the creation can’t be trusted with the power to disenfranchise its creators and bosses, thereby giving it the power to be a god and not a servant.
The American CITIZENS were to be the Lord and ruler over the government, but it hasn’t turned out that way. Nevertheless, the fundamental principle that determines United States citizenship has not changed regardless of the fact that it is no longer recognized by the vast majority of American citizens.
Ignorance does not alter reality anymore than ignorance of what propels the Time traveling car has any effect on its propulsion system. You are an American because your parents were Americans and that fact is not altered by the location of your birth. Treating one’s irrelevant birth location as some hallowed, inescapable power is like placing a Scarlet Letter on one for life, for good or for evil, for benefit or for disadvantage. It’s no different from determining one’s nationality by race or religion or ethnic origin. It takes an observed fact and makes it SUPREME in the bonded relationship that will define one all of one’s normal life, only in a much more ridiculous manner than by using race or religion or ethnicity because they are things that are on-going facts throughout life, but the location of birth is a totally transient thing, and one is not consigned to that spot for life, nor to that nation for life, (-unless born in a dictatorship).
The Apple Analogy
On my property there are four apple trees of three different
varieties, and that situation is highly analogous to nationality. Two
are analogous to natural citizenship, while the others are analogous to
citizenship via naturalization and to native-born citizenship granted to
children of foreigners via the 14th Amendment. Two of the
varieties of apples are not as desirable as the other one. One is the
least desirable, it being only good for cooking with lots of added
sugar, -analogous to naturalized citizenship in a sense.Another is in the middle, good for juicing and cooking but not good for eating. It’s analogous to native-born, alien-fathered citizenship. The other two trees are of the same variety and they are analogous to natural citizenship since they are good for cooking, juicing and eating.
The framers of the Constitution wanted the kind of citizen that was most desirable to serve as Commander-in-Chief of the American military, and that type was one which was all-American. One with no foreign influence, connection, bond, attachment, loyalty, allegiance, affection or affinity acquired through a father who was a loyal subject of his foreign King.
They wanted one born of an American father who would instill in his son strong American anti-monarchy, pro-Liberty values. No foreign father could be assumed to do that and so no foreigner-born son could be fully trusted with the military power of the United States Army.
The two trees of the same desirable type are right at the property line. If one of them was over the property line a bit, I might have run the back fence enclosing my property around its far side putting it inside of my control. No one would care because that property is uninhabited wilderness.
In that case, it would be outside of my territory but within my jurisdiction. That is analogous to the American child of an American mother and father being born over the border line. Under which nation’s control is the child considered to exist? The child belongs to the parents and they belong to their own nation, and so the child also belongs to their nation via its natural connection to them and it.
The property line doesn’t determine who the fruit belongs to when half of it is hanging over my property. The boundary means nothing in that regard, just as a nation’s borders mean nothing when it comes to the children of its members.
VC Overpasses for Obama Impeachment- Event 2 - Saturday, September 7 12 Noon to 4pm...ALL Southern California Patriots are welcome!
VC Overpasses for Obama Impeachment- Event 2
Time: September 7, 2013 from 12pm to 4pm
Location: Ventura Pedestrian Overpass at Front & Ash
Street: Foot of Ash St
City/Town: Ventura, CA
Website or Web: http://venturacountyteaparty.…
Phone: reply via
Event Type: protest
Organized By: Committee for Obama Impeachment
Location: Ventura Pedestrian Overpass at Front & Ash
Street: Foot of Ash St
City/Town: Ventura, CA
Website or Web: http://venturacountyteaparty.…
Phone: reply via
Event Type: protest
Organized By: Committee for Obama Impeachment
Event Description
It's about time. After years of the most outrageous high crimes and misdemeanors by the Fraud-in-Chief, the public's goodwill has finally began to erode-- Benghazi, IRS, NSA, Supporting al Queda, Illegal appointments, fraud in passing unconstitutional Obamacare, etc, etc.
Nearly spontaneous viral growth of the overpass impeachment events has spread nationwide.
Now, another one has been scheduled for the afternoon of Saturday, September 7.
If you are interested in participating as an on site protestor, sign maker, publicist, recruiter,operations, RSVP:, with name. email, phone and role you want to play. It will be forwarded to local project manager. Or, Just show up
Nearly spontaneous viral growth of the overpass impeachment events has spread nationwide.
Now, another one has been scheduled for the afternoon of Saturday, September 7.
If you are interested in participating as an on site protestor, sign maker, publicist, recruiter,operations, RSVP:, with name. email, phone and role you want to play. It will be forwarded to local project manager. Or, Just show up
Bring: signs (at least foot-high letters), flags, water, food, hat, sunblock, sunglasses, sweater, camera or video recorder or audio recorder, comfortable walking shoes.
want the focus to be on obamacrimes and ideologies alien to our
Constitution and traditions. Keep it relevant. No ad hominem attacks,
racism, profanity, will be tolerated. No "Honk" signs (illegal to honk
in non-emergency situation)
How to make large signs:
See full web posting with map, photos:
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