Is Obama a Criminal?
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Nov. 17, 2013) — In 2008, the man known as “Barack Hussein Obama” campaigned on a platform of “
hope and change,” followed by “
Forward!” in 2012.
On April 27, 2011, the above image was posted on
the White House website and purported to be a
certified copy of Obama’s long-form birth certificate. Within
24 hours, it was declared a forgery by many, and a
law enforcement investigation confirmed
those findings formally on March 1, 2012. |
In 2008, Obama was beloved by the media, which is tasked by the
First Amendment to be a watchdog, not a cheerleader, for government. Again in 2012, the mainstream media
to report on the many questions which had never been answered about
Obama’s childhood, college years, and birthplace. It did not report
that the long-form birth certificate posted on the White House website
was the subject of a criminal
investigation which concluded that the image was fraudulent, along with Obama’s purported
Selective Service registration form.
made in several overseas
newspapers, by the Kenyan Parliament, Obama’s
biographer and by the
U.S. ambassador to Kenya that Obama was born in that country contradict public statements that he was
born in Honolulu, HI on August 4, 1961 at Kapiolani Medical Center, although previously
Queens Hospital was also identified as his birthplace.
Michelle Obama has called Kenya her husband’s “
home country.”
The short-form
Certification of Live Birth posted by an unknown source on June 12, 2008 at
The Daily KOS has been declared a forgery, although former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs
vouched for it in 2009 while ridiculing the reporter who inquired about it.
Since at least 2008, anyone asking about Obama’s origins has been the
object of derision, ridicule, defamation, website and email breaches,
death threats, and insults. Some believe that the threats originate
from a group of operatives paid by the Obama regime to spread
disinformation and discourage any investigation.
Congress failed to properly vet Obama during either of his campaigns, or
knew of his deception and did nothing. Petitions from constituents
asking that his credentials be reviewed went unheeded.
Obama has been called a usurper for failing to meet the U.S.
Constitution’s Article II, Section 1, clause 5 eligibility standard of a
“natural born Citizen.” His claimed birth in Hawaii to a
foreign-citizen father would historically not have
qualified him or
anyone else for the presidency, a
fact the Congressional Research Service (CRS) has attempted to obfuscate in Obama’s favor.
In 2009, the Obama regime inexplicably asked that
against a known domestic terrorist be dismissed, and a magistrate judge
agreed but would not state a reason. It was later discovered that
shortly before the judge’s decision was rendered, her son received
preferential treatment relating to his incarceration on drug charges.
The subject of those indictments, Elizabeth Ann Duke, was known to have
consorted with former domestic terrorist
Bill Ayers, who launched Obama’s political career in 1995 in Chicago.
lied about the effects of his “signature”
health care bill known as
Obamacare, which has caused millions of
insurance policies to be canceled since October 1. Insurance
companies are now in chaos as Obama attempts to unconstitutionally
alter the individual mandate of the law he signed on March 23, 2010.
of the law have been changed by Obama’s White House without
congressional action, violating Article I of the U.S. Constitution,
which states that only Congress can make or amend law.
At least one member of Congress has publicly
that Republicans became aware that their movements on the internet were
being tracked during the 2012 campaign cycle. Journalists have been
surveilled without their knowledge, with one
named an “unindicted co-conspirator” for writing a story about North Korea using a source from the State Department.
When the U.S. Supreme Court upheld part of the health care law in June 2012,
CBS News reported
that Chief Justice John Roberts had originally intended to deem it
unconstitutional. Roberts’ vote was the determining one in allowing the
law to be implemented, resulting in the current situation in which
seriously ill people will soon be without any
insurance at all.
It has been suggested that Roberts could have been
intimidated by information gleaned from surveillance conducted by the Obama regime.
Obama has authorized the waste of approximately
$1 billion to preferred, no-bid contractors for a dysfunctional website for which no one appears to be accountable.
Egyptian officials have
Obama with “crimes against humanity” at the International Criminal
Court in The Hague, claiming that he conspired with members of The
Muslim Brotherhood to kill Coptic Christians following the ouster of
former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi. The Muslim Brotherhood is a
declared enemy of the United States and has as its purpose the toppling
of Western society in deference to Islam and Sharia law.
Obama’s Department of
Health and Human Services has hired “navigators” with criminal and troubled backgrounds to “assist” people to enroll in Obamacare, including at least one illegal alien. Some have been videotaped
encouraging applicants to break the law.
Obama has circumvented Congress to issue changes to
immigration law,
environmental policies and firearms laws. Such policies have resulted
in layoffs, plant closings, and the awarding of millions of dollars to
“green” energy companies which soon went bankrupt.
Obama has appointed many of his former campaign bundlers to the
ambassadorships of foreign countries, only to have them disgraced by
allegations of gross misconduct.
In 2009, the “Common Core” educational curriculum was foisted on the states in exchange for
money from the Stimulus Bill, with governors and
educators now becoming aware of its lower academic standards and expectations.
The Obama regime lied about the catalyst for a terrorist attack in
Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012 during which four Americans were
killed, and then attempted to cover up its lies with more dishonesty.
Without admitting it, the Obama regime has
on foreign leaders considered to be U.S. allies and authorized routine
spying on United States citizens who are not suspected of being involved
in terrorism.
By overseeing the alteration of the Rules of Engagement, there have been more than four times the number of
in Afghanistan on Obama’s watch in five years than under President
George W. Bush’s in seven years, according to a source close to Billy
and Karen Vaughan, authors of “
a father’s account of the Extortion 17 helicopter crash. Under Obama,
terms such as “radical Islam” and “jihad” have been purged from FBI and
military training manuals.
Obama has been accused of waging a “
war on men” in the military. “Careers have been ruined and lives devastated” by
accusations of sexual assault which may be unfounded resulting in courts-martial.
At the
funeral service for the Extortion 17 victims, an
Islamic imam recited an Arabic
prayer which condemned the “infidels” to “
eternal hell.”
Obama’s regime incarcerated an Army
medical doctor
for five months for asking for proof that he was constitutionally
eligible. Multiple complaints of treason against Obama have been
ignored rather than answered.
Instead of equipping the military with necessary training, Obama has
socially engineered it such that courts-martial are being threatened
against people of a
particular faith. The military has insulted and chastised members for being
Christian while showing special deference to
Islam. Catholic priests have been
barred from holding mass and threatened with arrest.
Pundits who have previously been cautiously critical of Obama are now
stating that if he were employed in a private business, he would be “
prosecuted” for “
serial fraud.”
Former Justice Department prosecutor Andrew McCarthy stated that “I
don’t think there’d be any problem proving high crimes and misdemeanors”
committed by Obama, citing “systematic dishonesty.”
Investigators have called Obama “
a fraud” with the promise of stunning information to be
released in the near future.
According to a former
Secret Service agent
who guarded Obama’s life, Obama has used the powers of the federal
government against the citizens it is constitutionally meant to protect.
Law-abiding citizens exercising their First Amendment right to petition
the government for redress of grievances have been jailed, defamed,
robbed, and labeled the pejorative “Sovereign Citizens,” a campaign in which the regime engaged the sycophantic
mainstream press. Returning military veterans were
deemed “potential domestic terrorists.”
One mainstream outlet, NBC News, has been
of participating in the scheme to dupe the American people into
believing that the long-form birth certificate image was an authentic
representation of whatever the Hawaii Department of Health retains in
its files.
In 2008, the same website now calling out Obama for “serial fraud” reported that Obama’s Certification of Live Birth appeared
In what could be a prophetic statement, writer Jim Geraghty said at
the time, “Barring some vast conspiracy within the Hawaii State
Department of Health…”
Given the myriad incidents of deceit over the last five years, is the
forgery of Obama’s “birth certificate” still difficult to believe?
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