No Wonder Obama's Holding Secret Talks with Iran and Opposing Israel... It's Letting His Comrades in Communist China Get Oil | |
Traitor/Co-Sponsor of Unconstitutional NDAA Tries to Legislate His Own Parking Space | |
WSJ: Obama Increasingly Comes Across as Devious and Dishonest ...Duh! ...Soetoro's Been Clocked at a Speed of 8 Lies per Minute | |
OBAMA'S RACE WAR ATTEMPT: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | |
OBAMACARE IN FLAMES: 1, 2, 3, 4 | |
COMMIE MEDIA IN FLAMES: - Lying State-Run TV Taking a Pounding: CNN (Communist News Network) Down 50%, Fox News Down 17% - Communist Al Gore's Commie Channel Fires Communist Olbermann and Hires Prostitute Scandal Ex-Dem Communist Governor as Keith's Replacement | |
Even Nancy Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman Schultz Voted "No" on Obama's Marxist Budget ...Now That's Bad! | |
Obama's Socialist Rant: American Principles Don't Work | |
Obama Praises RINO John McCain for Supporting Global Warming Fraud and Immigration Reform | |
Obama "The Greatest Deception In American History" |
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Following is a continuation of the now-infamous interview of Ben Shapiro,the Editor-at-Large of, by Tea Party Power Hour talk-show host,Mark Gillar on Saturday,March 17,2012. The Author was Mark’s second guest in the segment that followed on the same broadcast.
Okay. Let me explain to Ben what that statement makes abundantly clear. It’s quite obvious to any of us who have actually looked into this – that would be “investigated” it,Ben – where you got that line of “reasoning.” Here it is,from the always-reliable Annenburg Foundation’s (posted on August 21,2008 – desperately attempting to douse this fire before the November election some 9-10 weeks away at the time.)Mark Gillar: I’m going to…put you in a tough situation because it’s a subject that nobody wants to talk about,but you said “if you have tips,contact us.” Why isn’t the mainstream media covering the eligibility issue? ….we have a birth certificate that looks like it was cut and pasted together with Elmer’s Glue. We’ve got a Social Security Card that won’t pass E-Verify. We have a Selective Service Card where the Pica Stamp is clearly faked…. You’re an intelligent guy. I know you understand computers. I could send you tapes that I’ve made of why this thing is fake,but yet the mainstream media is yawning at this,and so are a lot of conservative media outlets. Why?Shapiro: Well,you know,I’m one of the people who yawns at it,because I just…I…I think it’s…I think that the amount of conspiratorial intent that would have to go into falsifying this stuff from forty years ago…
Of course,it’s distantly possible that Obama’s grandparents may have planted the announcement just in case their grandson needed to prove his U.S. citizenship in order to run for president someday. We suggest that those who choose to go down that path should first equip themselves with a high-quality tinfoil hat. The evidence is clear:Barack Obama was born in the U.S.A. (At least their moniker isn’t “Fair and Balanced” or “The No-Spin Zone,” because they,like PolitiFact,Snopes,and even Wikipedia,are clearly neither as I document ad nauseam in O’Reilly!)
Okay. Call it a Red Herring or a Straw Man (the intent is the same – to distract and/or mislead),it is also what one learns in Seventh Grade English Class to be a “faulty dilemma” – a circumstance or event represented as having only two possible explanations,when there are clearly others. So,according to FactCheck,either the birth announcement (two sources,one announcement,so not “corroborating testimonies” as is universally held) was “planted” by the grandparents (totally allowable under HI law,as extensively documented in the book) “just in case their grandson needed to prove his U.S. citizenship in order to run for president someday.” Of course,this is an easily recognized and dismissed absurdity (even to those of us who didn’t go to Harvard Law,Ben) or,it is proof positive that he was born here (in Hawaii,and thus in the U.S.)!
Trevor Loudon Explains U.S. Communist Infiltration ...MUST WATCH!! Shocking Research - Obama's Commie Plans! | |
TREVOR LAYS IT ALL OUT: How Communists Infiltrated the DNC and Now Run the Party. How Obama was Mentored by a Communist Party Agent, Who the FBI had Standing Orders to Arrest, if War Broke Out. The Chicago Communist Leaders Who Created Obama's Meteoric Rise into Politics. Obama's Close Marxist Czars. The Communist Terrorist Bomber Organization, The Weather Underground, Led By Bill Ayers, Who's Plan is Being Implemented On Schedule by Obama. Trevor is a Premier Obama Researcher, Who Stays Clear of the Now Overwhelming "Birther" Evidence for Fear of His Work being Discredited. However, Trevor, We Believe You Should Seize the Timing Right Now by Joining Criminal Investigation Forces with Jerome Corsi and Sherrif Joe Arpaio's Law Enforcement Investigation. Together, You Three can Accelerate the Halt of the Globally Dangerous, Obvious and Open Treason Now Taking Place at the Highest Levels of Our Government. |
President Obama is a communist, laboring with like-minded comrades to actualize a long-embraced communist agenda – and their end game is fast approaching.
A commie president and the Trayvon tragedy
Exclusive: Erik Rush sees Obama prepping for domestic bloodshed, national emergency
Erik Rush is a columnist and author of sociopolitical fare. His latest book is "Negrophilia: From Slave Block to Pedestal - America's Racial Obsession." In 2007, he was the first to give national attention to the story of Sen. Barack Obama's ties to militant Chicago preacher Rev. Jeremiah Wright, initiating a media feeding frenzy. Erik has appeared on Fox News' "Hannity and Colmes," CNN, and is a veteran of numerous radio appearances.
T.J.’s take on the shooting, subsequent media feeding frenzy and rash of activism was a little different than most being bandied about. It was a sincere appeal for prominent parties on both sides of the issue to unite amicably in light of the incident’s grave potential repercussions.
There are simply too many agendas in play to hope for such unity to manifest. The radicals are driving the discussion and the response, which in this case is analogous to the inmates running the asylum. Race-baiting career activists are fomenting anger and tension with the full complicity of the establishment press. The former seek continuing relevance and ongoing financial support, while the latter seeks ratings. Both are ideologically aligned with – or rather, part of – the radical element.
And the politicos? Well, Democratic leaders are obviously aligned with the radical element, particularly if they’re part of this administration, and the remainder are close enough. Republican leaders will be in trouble no matter what they do. If they remain silent, they’ll be called cowards; if they speak out and don’t call for George Zimmerman’s boiled severed head, they’ll be called racists. Most would rather have the coward label than the racist one, so have said nothing. Conservative commentators who weigh in are dismissed as party to perceived racist policies, and any reasonable liberal voices are being drowned out by the din of the far-left propaganda machine.
How do we go from a moment to a movement that creates fundamental change? If it’s a moment, we go home. If it’s a movement, we go to war.It may surprise some people when I say that the hypocrisy and irresponsible, dangerous rhetoric of career civil-rights activists are hardly the issue here. Neither is the alacrity with which the news media pounce on stories like this while ignoring the 2007 Tennessee gang-rape and mutilation slaying of a white couple by four black men, or the recent attempted immolation of a white Kansas City youth by a gang of black kids. The issue isn’t black Americans’ inability to discern that their political allies have accounted for exponentially more deaths of blacks via their policies than all the confirmed race-related killings of blacks over the last 40 years.
– Rev. Jesse Jackson, March 12, 2012
The issues upon which we should focus are the when and the why this is occurring in the way it is occurring. We may never know the truth of what happened between Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman in the moments before the shooting, but if we examine the when and the why of its aftermath, the truth becomes eerily apparent.
When President Obama commented on the Martin shooting, some contended that he had “acted stupidly” in commenting on something he should have stayed out of for reasons of due process and presidential decorum. I contend that like nearly everything he does, it was quite calculated. While specious as well as gratuitous, Obama stating that if he had a son, “he’d look like Trayvon” was nevertheless calculated to engender an emotional response. The reason it was calculated to engender an emotional response is the same reason many things are transpiring across the political landscape, all at the same approximate time.
That’s the when part … which is, quite clearly, right now.
The things to which I refer that are transpiring concurrently include the aftereffects of the sub-prime mortgage crisis, violence on our border with Mexico, the Occupy movement, assaults on religious freedom and free speech by the administration and activists, and the implausible organization and mobilization of fringe malcontents into politically active groups. These developments can all be traced (as I’ve recently indicated) to Obama’s political roots, which are borne out by his policies, his associations and his affinity for such doctrines as Black Liberation Theology and Critical Race Theory.
The specter of a communist takeover of the U.S. still remains singularly preposterous to millions of Americans who would quickly come to arms if they actually believed it a possibility. I’m not entirely certain how President Obama proposes to suppress those who would rise up against him were his intentions to become widely apparent, but I believe that part of the plan is to factionalize us (such as is occurring over the Martin case and Occupy Wall Street). I believe he’s also counting on deepening economic adversity to heighten Americans’ collective stress. Another element might be to provoke concerned patriots into action that he could point to as a threat to domestic tranquility, thereby convincing a preponderance of Americans to accept fundamental compromises to their civil liberties.
In such a case, Obama could then employ some of the more traditional Marxist tactics, such as mass executions, as cohorts of his friend Bill Ayers once advocated. It’s already apparent that certain factions would be more than happy to aid him in that effort. Quite a few conservatives have pointed to the timeliness of Obama’s executive order of March 16 (on “National Defense Resources Preparedness”) as an overture to just such action. Called a mere “tweak” of the amended Defense Production Act of 1950, many have asked why the president saw a necessity to “tweak” a law with provisions that essentially give exclusive and unlimited power to the Executive Branch in the event of a national emergency, which would necessarily be declared by the president himself.
To those whose assessment of individuals is not predicated upon what comes out of their mouths and the mouths of their surrogates, the truth is clear: President Obama is a communist, laboring with like-minded comrades to actualize a long-embraced communist agenda – and their end game is fast approaching.
That is the why of it.
The time for pretense is over. Obama is no friend of America.
What Happened to Preserve, Protect, and Defend?
By John GriffingHow does a president of the United States whose allegiance is to his country knowingly and in plain sight sabotage his nation's defenses? Until recently, the discussions of severe military cuts remained in the appropriate realm of working groups, and few seriously considered Obama's radical campaign promises to eliminate nuclear weapons from the U.S. arsenal to be of any real validity. After all, many Democrat presidential contenders before Obama had pandered to pacifists and the armies of the naïve swelling the Democratic base in order to get elected. But none of these individuals actually took proactive steps to completely remove America's nuclear triad from the list of strategic options. Our ability to instill fear in the hearts of our enemies, both current and future, was left unquestioned by all previous presidents, minor reductions in stockpiles notwithstanding.

March 30, 2012 (TPATH) - As the Obama administration has become increasingly frustrated at their inability to force, coerce and threaten Israel from taking the steps necessary to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, it appears they have resorted to underhanded, despicable and treacherous means.
Last month Obama had his state department warn Iran that if Israel made a preemptive attack on it's nuclear sites, the attack might well come during April, May or June of this year. This of course was meant to let Israel know, that Iran could now be prepared for such an event. This is how Obama treats a US ally.
Yesterday, an even more egregious and repulsive breach of confidence has taken center stage. Obama has released information of an alliance between Azerbaijan and Israel. Azerbaijan is located on the northern border of Iran.
Once again, the most anti-Israel administration this country has ever had, undercut Israel's chances to strike at Iran's nuclear weapons facilities.
A successful attack on those sites would be a daunting task if refueling and long range flights from Israel to Iran were needed. Azerbaijan, having been at odds with Iran for many years over its support of Armenia, reportedly has agreed to allow Israel to use its territory as a staging and refueling location.
Obama has apparently ordered his people to release this strategic and classified information to the public. This would never be released from the State Department without explicit orders from the top.
Once again Obama has shown his allegiance to an Arab state at the detriment of the Jewish state. He has shown he will do anything to prevent Israel form circumventing a future Holocaust. It is clear he would rather have a nuclear armed Iran than a secure Israel.
March 30, 2012 TPATH
March 30, 2012 (TPATH) - As the Obama administration has become increasingly frustrated at their inability to force, coerce and threaten Israel from taking the steps necessary to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, it appears they have resorted to underhanded, despicable and treacherous means.
Last month Obama had his state department warn Iran that if Israel made a preemptive attack on it's nuclear sites, the attack might well come during April, May or June of this year. This of course was meant to let Israel know, that Iran could now be prepared for such an event. This is how Obama treats a US ally.
Yesterday, an even more egregious and repulsive breach of confidence has taken center stage. Obama has released information of an alliance between Azerbaijan and Israel. Azerbaijan is located on the northern border of Iran.
Once again, the most anti-Israel administration this country has ever had, undercut Israel's chances to strike at Iran's nuclear weapons facilities.
A successful attack on those sites would be a daunting task if refueling and long range flights from Israel to Iran were needed. Azerbaijan, having been at odds with Iran for many years over its support of Armenia, reportedly has agreed to allow Israel to use its territory as a staging and refueling location.
Obama has apparently ordered his people to release this strategic and classified information to the public. This would never be released from the State Department without explicit orders from the top.
Once again Obama has shown his allegiance to an Arab state at the detriment of the Jewish state. He has shown he will do anything to prevent Israel form circumventing a future Holocaust. It is clear he would rather have a nuclear armed Iran than a secure Israel.
March 30, 2012 TPATH
Ex-CIA Head, Ex-Prez Elder Bush Endorses Presidential Candidate Who May Not be Natural Born! Romney's Dad was Mexican | |
Jeb Bush Proposes Non-Natural Born Citizen Illegally Be U.S. Vice President - Proof! GOP OR DEM... THESE DAYS YOU MUST BE AN INELIGIBLE TO RUN THE COUNTRY.... WHY? | |
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton is blasting the Obama administration for putting “just merciless” behind-the-scenes pressure on the Israeli government in order to persuade Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu not to launch an attack on Iran. Bolton added that reported intelligence leaks by the administration could hurt Israel’s chances of successful knocking out Iran’s nuclear facilities. [Full Story]
BOMBSHELL BETRAYAL: Obama Leaking Info to Media to Thwart Israeli Strike and Protect Iran's Nuclear weapons Program
The Obama administration is leaking information to pressure Israel not to bomb Iran. Enemy in the White House. Not only is Obama an anti-semite, he is anti-American (anti-freedom). His islamophiliac policies compromise American security. Iran is clearly an American threat.They have been at war with us since '79. Israel was willing to do the heavy lifting because our reckless and feckless president was too weak, too compromised. But to betray an ally like this?
'Baku grants Israel use of its air bases'Is it any wonder that 20% of Americans think Obama is Muslim. But their fruits ye shall know him and so we know him.
Senior US officials tell 'Foreign Policy' "Israelis have bought an airfield and the airfield is called Azerbaijan."
ABC is soft selling this bombshell story but this steaming pile of dung will expose this saboteur no matter how pretty the package the enemedia manufactures.
JERUSALEM – Two reports today about Iran’s nuclear program and the possibility of an Israeli military strike have analysts in Israel accusing the Obama administration leaking information to pressure Israel not to bomb Iran and for Iran to reach a compromise in upcoming nuclear talks.
The first report in Foreign Policy quotes anonymous American officials saying that Israel has been given access to airbases by Iran’s northern neighbor Azerbaijan from which Israel could launch air strikes or at least drones and search and rescue aircraft.
March 29, 2012
In contemporary America, the examination of candidates is thought to be done by the free press prior to the election. But when serious vetting of the winning candidate has not occurred, we have a predicament: judges have ruled that citizens have no standing to enforce eligibility requirements because of the election.
In such a system, the incalculable power of the unified media to create impressions and manufacture public opinion means that election results may be engineered and shielded from substance and sound judgment.
Can We Learn Something from the Classics about Vetting Obama?
By Monte KuligowskiIn contemporary America, the examination of candidates is thought to be done by the free press prior to the election. But when serious vetting of the winning candidate has not occurred, we have a predicament: judges have ruled that citizens have no standing to enforce eligibility requirements because of the election.
In such a system, the incalculable power of the unified media to create impressions and manufacture public opinion means that election results may be engineered and shielded from substance and sound judgment.
Barack Obama Foreign Student - American Media Threatened into Silence
29.03.2012 16:03
By Dianna C. Cotter
On March 7th, 2012, Pravda called out the U.S. press for its deliberate neglect of the largest scandal in modern American history. Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio released credible forensic evidence that Barack Obama, presumed President of the United States, presented to the world a forged Birth Certificate on April 27th, 2011.
Since then, the scandal has only expanded. Former United States Postal Service worker Allen Hulton has recently come forward with compelling testimony given under Oath, which leads to only one conclusion: Barack Obama attended College in the United States as a Foreign Student.
In the summer of 2008 the presidential primary season was winding down, and America could not help but note the fervor a significant number of media personalities expressed while supporting the candidacy Barack Obama. Indeed, it was collectively decided within the liberal media, that Obama's associations with racist pastors and violent domestic terrorists was to be suppressed.
The exposure of the "Journolist" email scandal in 2010 made this glaringly clear: Stories like Obama's ties to Reverend Jeremiah Wright Jr. of the Trinity United Church, and more relevant, to Bill Ayers and his radical past in the Weather Underground Organization were to remain largely un-reported and uninvestigated. Any realistic investigation into Barack Obama's background was to be minimized, inquiries eventually mocked, and investigators labeled racists.
These tactics have isolated honest media who could and should have reported on these and other important stories yet have inexplicably remained silent. Now we know why. More on this in a moment.
The Postman
Retired United States Postal Worker Allen Hulton recently signed a sworn affidavit for the Maricopa County, Arizona Cold Case Posse convened by Sheriff Joe Arpaio, attesting under oath, to conversations with Mary Ayers, the mother of Bill Ayers. He made his testimony public in a three hour long taped interviewed on March 19th, 2012. Mr. Hutton, by signing an affidavit has subjected himself to laws regarding perjury, not something to be taken lightly as telling the truth is now for him a requirement of law.
Dear John Boehner,
As a Chairman for my County's Republican Party I have to face my members each day and give them my take on events that occur within your control in DC. This has become almost impossible to do since you, as the House Republican Leader, have refused to act in our best interest and are unresponsive to our requests for redress.
The biggest example of this is one monumental problem that you continue to refuse to deal with. The on-going investigation of fraud and forgery (now known as "ForgeryGate") initiated by thousands of Americans in 09 and formally investigated by AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio, culminating in his press release on March 1, 2012. Having been to your DC office and having hand delivered Citizen Grand Jury Presentments and evidence of the crimes being committed by and through the White House occupant, to your Staff, back in 2009, there is now no doubt that you are and have been complicit in a massive cover-up of this Constitutional crisis. Now don't get me wrong, I understand exactly why your cohorts are doing this. There is no doubt left in the minds of over half of America that the U.S. House of Representatives is part and parcel of the Domestic, Terrorist, foreign and alien form of government now being forced on America. There can be no other answer when reasonable, logical minded Citizens come to you and ask for resolution to be brought to the House floor concerning B. Obama's eligibility to hold office. As the GOP leader in the house, this responsibility has and remains squarely on your shoulders. Now don't go getting all teary eyed when We The People rise en masse to do what you refuse to.., it won't help. You cast your vote on this issue long ago and it was a decidedly Anti-Constitutional and Anti-American one at that. So let me be as this Congress refuses to be.., clear. There's a revolution brewing in the hearts and minds of Americans and there's an enemy that is the focus of that revolution. You sir, are that enemy, along with every other, already identified, co-conspirator in DC and the government run Media.
This is what concerns the people, like my fellow GOP members, right now, so if you plan on finding or utilizing some escape route from America you should know this. Treason has no expiration date and those that are now, like you, guilty of this, will find no safe harbor just as your war on terror dictates that those terrorists you've labeled as such have none.
May I suggest an easy read for you? Try the Declaration of Independence and pay particular attention to the reasons our founders went to war in the first place. By merely substituting your foreign and alien government friends for the King, I think you'll realize just how big a problem you now have. Resolution now can only be found by fertilizing the "Tree of Liberty" since the elected and appointed in DC are unwilling to do what they are put in their/your position to do. You took an Oath and are now in clear violation of it so we are left to assume that your lack of compliance with that Oath means your fellow conspirators feel comfortable that you can beat back any attempt by America to restore this Nation to its Constitutional Republic roots. The Jury (American Citizens) are deliberating this as I type so if you get a chance to read this understand what I'm saying. Your only salvation is to come clean and quick or get right with God because he will be the only one left to offer you any forgiveness.
Your current, GOP inspired soft brand of Communism or the Left's hard brand will not be tolerated for very much longer before the powder keg ignites and a new form of the Boston Tea Party begins. We understand your allegiance is now with the Globalist Banking Cartel and your end game is the destruction (semi-orderly) of American independence coupled with the financial slavery of future generations to this entity. Nice company you've been keeping...
I do want to thank you for being one of the main reasons We the People have been re-arming. The clear and present danger is you sir and your buds who continue to run cover for the putative POTUS while laying waste to the Constitution. Our Constitution.
In closing I'd like to offer an option for you. Contact me with your heartfelt apology, followed immediately by a full blown Congressional investigation into the sealed records of this alleged usurper, BHO. I will make sure that the message is spread far and wide that redress does still exist in this Nation and the wheels of Justice have been set in motion to accomplish it, by your action. Short of that, have a nervous day and sleepless nights while awaiting the shoe to drop as it most assuredly will and if your advisors have been informing you of some, soon to come, cataclysm that will eliminate all this righteous indignation that is boiling over from affecting you, think again. There are, many times over, more of us than there are of you.
Carl A Swensson
Clayton County (GA) GOP Chairman
Pentagon has no records of Osama bin Laden’s deathby Dr. Eowyn |
The Obama administration touts the Navy SEALS' raid and killing of Osama bin Laden in his hideaway compound in Abbotabad, Pakistan, as one of the administration's greatest achievements. Obama even disclosed details of the raid to Hollywood for an upcoming movie.
Given that, isn't it curious, to say the least, that the Pentagon says it has no records -- not one photo, not one video, not even an e-mail -- of bin Laden's death?
Richard Lardner reports for the Minneapolis Star Tribune, March 15, 2012:
Government officials have openly discussed details of the mission [to kill Osama bin Laden] in speeches, interviews and television appearances, but the administration won't disclose records that would confirm their narrative of that fateful night. The Associated Press asked for files about the raid in more than 20 separate [FOIA] requests, mostly submitted the day after bin Laden's death.
The Pentagon told the AP this month it could not locate any photographs or video taken during the raid or showing bin Laden's body. It also said it could not find any images of bin Laden's body on the Navy aircraft carrier where the al-Qaida leader's body was taken.
The Pentagon said it could not find any death certificate, autopsy report or results of DNA identification tests for bin Laden, or any pre-raid materials discussing how the government planned to dispose of bin Laden's body if he were killed.
It said it searched files at the Pentagon, U.S. Special Operations Command in Tampa, Fla., and the Navy command in San Diego that controls the USS Carl Vinson, the aircraft carrier used in the mission.
The Defense Department told the AP in late February it could not find any emails about the bin Laden mission or his "Geronimo" code name that were sent or received in the year before the raid by William McRaven, the three-star admiral at the Joint Special Operations Command who organized and oversaw the mission. It also could not find any emails from other senior officers who would have been involved in the mission's planning.
Note: WantToKnow team member Prof. David Ray Griffin, in his book Osama bin Laden: Dead or Alive?, lays out the extensive evidence that bin laden died in December 2001, and that since that time Pentagon psyops had been keeping him "alive" with fake videos and audiotapes to maintain a crucial pretext for the ever-expanding "war on terror." Could it be that the Pentagon will produce no records of its purported "death raid" because in fact it will reveal major manipulations involving bin Laden's death?
On August 6, 2011, three months after the supposed killing of bin Laden, 22 members of the exact same Navy SEALS Team 6 who had conducted the Abbotabad raid all died in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan.
Dead men don't tell tales.
Serious Questions to Authenticity of Both Obama's Birth Certificates
Sheriff Joe Arpaio's and Mara Zebest's reports were included in the Petition submitted to the Alabama Supreme Court
Alabama Supreme Court Justice Tom Parker noted in the Order to Strike Hugh McInnish's Petition for Writ of Mandamus:
"Mclnnish has attached certain documentation to his mandamus petition, which, if presented to the appropriate forum as part of a proper evidentiary presentation, would raise serious questions about the authenticity of both the "short form" and the "long form" birth certificates of President Barack Hussein Obama that have been made public."
Article II Super PAC Providing Video Coverage of Sheriff Joe's March 31st Event: Interview with Lord Monckton here:
Missouri House Passes Requirement for Presidential Candidates to Provide Birth Records
Mo. House OKs Candidate Birth Records Requirement
JEFFERSON CITY (AP) - Birth records for presidential and vice presidential candidates would need to be publicly available for those appearing on Missouri ballots.
Political parties would be required to give the secretary of state's office proof of their candidates' identity and that they are natural born citizens of the U.S. Write-in presidential candidates also would need to provide documentation. The records would be open to the public.
Lawmakers endorsed the legislation Wednesday, and the measure needs another vote before moving to the Senate.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Sheriff Joe on Obama's Forged Identity Records: At This Point I Could Use Regular Deputies - VIDEO HERE
Feds refuse to release Obama draft docs to Sheriff Joe
Arizona lawman's team believes registration fraudulent
Jerome Corsi @ WND

Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse investigating Obama’s eligibility announced at a March 1 press conference that it believes there is probable cause that the registration is fraudulent.
A three-sentence March 22 letter written on behalf of Selective Service Director Lawrence G. Romo, however, dismissed the request.
“This Agency has no evidence that President Obama’s 1980 registration is not authentic,” wrote Richard S. Flahavan, associate director of public & intergovernmental affairs
Apparently refusing to take seriously Arpaio’s investigation, Flahavan referred the sheriff to the FBI.
Take advantage of a fantastic deal! Purchase the hardcover of “Where’s the Birth Certificate?” and get the updated e-book version of “Where’s the REAL Birth Certificate?” absolutely free – at the WND Superstore!
“However, if you have any credible evidence to the contrary and believe that a Federal crime has been committed, we suggest that it be turned over immediately to the Federal Bureau of Investigation to pursue,” Flahavan said.
In response, Arpaio yesterday sent a second letter to Romo, requesting clarification.
“If your office has the original, authentic Selective Service registration form for Barack Obama from July 29, 1980, please indicate whether or not you are in possession of this document,” Arpaio wrote.
“If the document is in your possession, please make it available for inspection by my Sheriff’s Office investigators. We will travel to your facility to analyze it.”
Apraio gave Romo 10 days to respond.
“Given the clarity and brevity of these requests, we would appreciate your direct response within ten business days of your receipt of this letter, since we are continuing our investigation,” Arpaio said.
FLASHBACK to JUNE 2011: Obama's Forged Selective Service Registration: Please explain why Obama's Selective Service Registration date stamp is missing the 19 in it. - SEE COMPLETE DETAILS AND EVIDENCE HERE
DEVASTATING INDICTMENT. MUST READ. Not since the tapes of Richard Nixon has a U.S. president been caught uttering such sinister words in an unguarded moment. And, one could easily argue, Mr. Obama’s dishonest scheming puts Nixon to shame because it is American voters — not his political enemies — he is selling down the river.
HURT: Obama’s ‘flexibility’ to lie after election
by Charles Hurt, Washington Times
Turns out he’s not Kenyan after all. He’s KGB. All this time, people were worried that President Obama was born in Africa and that his radical agenda had been crafted by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Saul Alinsky on the streets of Chicago’s South Side.
Now we know his real radical hidden agenda is in service of the Kremlin.
Mr. Obama reached the darkest low of his presidency this week in South Korea when he was caught on an unseen mic plotting with the leader of one of our oldest adversaries to thwart the will of American voters and advance the interests of enemies who want to see the world’s last remaining beacon of freedom finally destroyed.
“On these issues — but particularly missile defense — this can be solved,” he tells Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, like in a scene from a Cold War spy movie.
But, Mr. Obama explains to his handler, he needs more time, and he needs to get into a position where he is no longer answerable to American voters.
“This is my last election,” he says. “After my election, I have more flexibility.”
Speaking in robotic Russian spy-speak, Mr. Medvedev promises to convey the message to incoming President Vladimir Putin: “I understand. I transmit this information to Vladimir.”
Not since the tapes of Richard Nixon has a U.S. president been caught uttering such sinister words in an unguarded moment. And, one could easily argue, Mr. Obama’s dishonest scheming puts Nixon to shame because it is American voters — not his political enemies — he is selling down the river.
Must Hear Interview, Lord Monckton Interview with Art2SuperPAC and Vattelevision
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Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Major Discovery in Obama’s LFBC…and It’s in the INK!
Does C. Fukino’s Suggestion Help Prove Forgery?
©Linda JordanMarch 27, 2012
Chiyome Fukino (former Director of Hawaii Public Health Department) had this to say about how “birthers” would respond to the release of Obama’s “long-form” birth certificate:
“They’re going to question the ink on which it was written or say it was fabricated,” said Fukino. “The whole thing is silly.” 1
Let’s start with the ink, shall we?
From Hawaii Public Health Regulations. Title: Vital Statistics, Registration & Records. Chapter 8, Certificates of Vital Statistics Events, Section 1:
Preparation. Certificates of vital statistics events are to be filled in by typewriter or in ink. If ink is used only permanent ink will be acceptable. All signatures are to be made with permanent ink. In all other respects, the certificates shall comply with provisions of Section 57-14, R.L.H. 1955.On April 27, 2011, Barack Obama revealed what his representatives said was a photocopy of his original long-form Certificate of Live Birth from Hawaii (as posted on the White House blog website). The signatures on this Certificate of Live Birth are required to be made in permanent ink.
CNN’s "LEFTY" Toobin: Supreme Court Was ‘Train Wreck’ for Obama
Tuesday, 27 Mar 2012
By Paul Scicchitano
Following two hours of oral arguments before the Supreme Court today, CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin declared “this was a train wreck for the Obama administration. This law looks like it’s going to be struck down.”
Toobin, author of “The Nine: Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court,” said he was forced to reverse his earlier prediction on the case based on the poor performance of U.S. Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli, Jr.
“I’m telling you all of the predictions — including mine — that the justices would not have a problem with this law were wrong,” Toobin told viewers, adding that Verrilli did a “simply awful job” defending the individual mandate, which was the focus of today’s proceedings.
“He was nervous. He was not well-spoken,” explained Toobin. “The argument got off to a very bad start for the administration and it was really the liberal justices who carried the argument much more than the lawyer.”
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Pressed by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Toobin acknowledged that the best hope of the Obama administration was that the four liberal justices of the court would be joined by Chief Justice John Roberts, Jr. in upholding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
Based on the line of questioning, he said it was unlikely that Justice Anthony Kennedy would provide the swing vote to give the liberals a 5-4 majority.
“I don’t know if they have a fifth vote. I think Kennedy is a lost cause after listening to his comments,” observed Toobin. “Roberts is to me — to what I heard — the only possibility and that would certainly be a big surprise to see him joining with the liberals in such an important case. But based on the comments, I think that’s the only hope for this law being upheld.”
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May be a forgery?...DUH!...
Obama's birth certificate may be forgery
Kevin Tripp | 26.03.2012, 11:48 |
Interview with Joe Arpaio, Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona, US. Start from the beginning, why is this cold case squad that you had look at the President’s birth certificate and what do they come up with?Well, first of all we have about 3 000 party members, have a cold case party, they worked for nothing, they are ex-cops and attorneys. And I decided when the Tea Party, about 250, asked me to investigate the President’s birth certificate and I decided to give it to the cold case party so not to cost tax-payers any money. They started the investigation and obviously I gave instructions to do everything they can to clear the President on this issue. But as they dug into the investigation they came up with some evidence which tends to probably indicate that the birth certificate and the selective service form could be forgeries. Source: Voice of Russia. |
Lord Christopher Monckton Interviewed by Article II Super PAC — Lord Monckton: Obama birth certificate ‘plainly a forgery’. This is a very serious matter.
Lord Christopher Monckton Interview and Sheriff Joe Arpaio's March 31st Arizona Tea Party EventMarch 27th, 2012
The Lord Has Spoken,
Monckton that is…
Monckton that is…
Maricopa, AZ - EXCLUSIVE: Article II Super PAC’s multimedia team, Vattelevision, caught up with Lord Christopher Monckton, Head of the Policy Unit, United Kingdom Independence Party, UKIP, yesterday following a meeting held with Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Lead Investigator Mike Zullo of the Maricopa County Cold Case Posse.
Although Lord Monckton is stateside on a speaking tour visiting universities and state legislatures highlighting the economic costs and flawed science behind climate change, he veered into the growing controversy around the alleged forged birth certificate and selective service registration of Obama’s on the Dennis Miller Radio Show last week.
Lord Monckton: ‘I’m no birther,’ but Obama birth certificate ‘plainly a forgery’ -
Lord Monckton said “I mean, hey you got a president who has a false birth certificate on the Internet, on the White House website. It’s not even clear where he was born.” Miller protested when saying he disagreed with the suggestion that Obama has a fraudulent birth certificate, but Lord Monckton countered by saying “I don’t know whether he is Kenyan or not. The point is that if I were you, I would want to make absolutely sure that he was born here before allowing him to be elected.” Monckton went on to say “And the birth certificate that he put up on that website, I don’t know where he was born, but I do know that birth certificate isn’t genuine.”
Well, we couldn’t agree with Lord Monckton more! So we sent Vattelevision down to Arizona to catch up with him to finish the interview any other self-respecting journalist would have done.
Article II Super PAC will be posting the interview here and on our home page Wednesday, March 28th.
The Vattelevision crew will also be video recording the March 31st Surprise/Sun City West Tea Party meeting featuring keynote speakers Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Lead Investigator Mike Zullo. We will be recording both the event and conducting on-street interviews which will be uploaded over the weekend to the Article II Super PAC website.
We strongly encourage our Arizona supporters to attend the meeting and help spread the word. The event begins at 1:00 pm and will be held at the Church on the Green, 19051 R.H. Johnson Blvd., Sun City West, Arizona. Be there!
And as a final update, we are “this” close to meeting our goal to raising the needed funds to bring Herb Titus on board to do much needed legal research that will inform our general election strategy. Help us bring him and his team on board by making a donation today. To all of you who we’ve talked to in the last couple of weeks a HUGE THANK YOU for your continued support of our efforts. It was a pleasure to talk with you!
As always, we ask you to share this Article II Super PAC update with your Facebook friends, Twitterers, Family, Friends and Colleagues. We’re building a 2012 election army putting boots on the ground to educate any and all about what’s truly at stake in November.
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Article II Super PAC Team
Article II Super PAC Team
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