Our Irish Heritage meets CRT: Brewski’s All Around!
Thanks to Michelle Obama's Mirror
You just have to admire Big Guy’s stamina don’t you? He didn’t get home from Friday's Moneyhaul until nearly 1:00 AM Saturday, and yet there he was again at 1:00 PM yesterday, off to an Irish Pub in D.C. celebrating St. Paddy’s day with his red-headed cousin from his ancestral village of Moneygall. That’s him in the middle, Henry Healy, 8th cousin on dear old Mum’s side:You may recognize Ollie, he was the bar tender at the pub where Lady M and Big Guy stopped in for a pint last May while visiting Ireland:
Unless of course you’re one of those conspiracy theorists who’s still questioning Big Guy’s birth certificate authenticity. There’s long been a theory floating around that BO’s real father wasn’t Barack Hussein Obama Sr. at all, butt rather Frank Marshall Davis, or even Malcolm X. Then came the silly stories that Stanley Ann wasn’t even Big Guy’s real mother!
Butt then… there is the issue of the widely ignored cold case investigation conducted by Sheriff Arpaio that concluded that the “original” birth certificate issued last year by Big Guy was indeed a forgery. Along with his Selective Service registration.
“Based on all of the evidence presented and investigated, I cannot in good faith report to you that these documents are authentic,” Arpaio said. “My investigators believe that the long-form birth certificate was manufactured electronically and that it did not originate in paper format as claimed by the White House.”That’s the work of the vast right-wing conspiracy, butt that doesn’t mean that it won’t open up a whole other can of worms that we really don’t need around here.
The right-wing nutz have long proffered the hypothesis that Frank Marshall Davis is the real father of Big Guy, butt come on…he was just some crazy communist guy in the neighborhood:
Obama's mentor Frank Marshall Davis -- the veiled figure known only as "Frank" in Barack Obama's memoir Dreams from my Father -- was openly sympathetic to Communists. His affiliations with a variety of hard left groups were open. At that time, the Communist Party had tens of thousands of members, some of them clandestine Soviet officials who had penetrated government and industry. It received covert subsidies from the Soviet Union itself. In 1949, Davis himself predicted the collapse of Capitalism:And Big Guy doesn’t even look like him, except for the cigarette.
"Democracy today lies weak and slowly dying from the poison administered by the divident doctors in Washington and Wall Street who have fooled a trusting public into believing that they are the specialists who would save us from the dread diseases of socialism and communism. . . . They hope to hand us fascism disguised as the healed democracy." (Honolulu Record, July 28, 1949, p. 8)

Now Malcolm X -(another favorite right-wing nutz theory) I have to admit: he could pass as daddy.
Butt if the birth certificate is indeed fake, that means anyone could be Big Guy’s father – or mother! And while I don’t usually like to start rumors, I couldn’t help butt notice while I was researching my post on Angela last week, that she and Big Guy do share an uncanny resemblance:

Anyway, Big Frank was Big Guy’s early mentor according to his book, Dreams From My Father: "It made me smile, thinking back on Frank and his old Black Power, dashiki self. In some ways he was as incurable as my mother, as certain in his faith, living in the same sixties time warp that Hawaii had created.”
So anyway, I’m sure the physical resemblance between Angie and BO is just a coincidence. Because it doesn’t make any sense: if Black Power advocate Angela was Big Guy’s mother, who on earth could Big Guy’s father possibly be?
I was just hoping to shed a little light on Big Guy’s background in a way that would explain his commitment to “social justice” and “critical race theory” (CRT) as first articulated by his good friend and teacher at Harvard Law School, Derrick Bell. Butt I’m afraid I didn’t do a very good job, so I refer you to Clarice’s Piece today for a more complete explanation. It is definitely a “must read” – it provides all the basic tenets of CRT as well as insights into how Big Guy and his team have expertly incorporated them into his (and our) life. Just because Soledad O’Brian doesn’t know anything about CRT that’s not in Wikipedia is no reason why you shouldn’t.

Shoppe till you drop,and let’s all get out there on November 6th and set them FREE!
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