Exclusive: Interview with Doug Vogt,
Petitioner for Birth Certificate Forgery Affidavits
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Oct. 29, 2013) — Following the submission of two
affidavits at the
U.S. District Court for the Western District of
Washington on October 18, The Post & Email contacted the petitioner,
Douglas Vogt, to ask him key questions about his claims that the
short-form and
long-form birth certificates of
Barack Hussein Obama are forgeries and that the identity of the forger and other criminal assistants is known.
On October 18, 2013, Douglas Vogt filed two affidavits with
the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington
requesting that a special federal grand jury be empaneled to
examine evidence of forgery, fraud, and treason in
the matter of Obama’s forged birth certificates |
Vogt is owner of
Archive Index Systems, which markets
scanners, copiers and document imaging systems. Previous to that, he owned and operated a typesetting business. An
accountant by training, Vogt has also worked as a certified public accountant. Vogt has performed exhaustive research and published books on
science and history.
that the two fraudulent birth certificates were produced by the Hawaii
Department of Health in cooperation with several employees there,
including the director, Loretta Fuddy.
The public
affidavit, or “Notice,” can be read here:
Notice Doug Vogt 10-18-13
A Memorandum of Law accompanying the Notice explaining the need for a second, sealed affidavit is here:
Memo Doug Vogt 10-18-13
On Monday, The Post & Email interviewed Montgomery Blair Sibley, who
lent his legal expertise to producing the
In March, we had
spoken with Vogt about his
findings to date, at which time he had hinted that he would take action on the forgery in his home state of Washington.
In June 2011, less than two months after it was posted on the White House
website, Vogt submitted an
affidavit and
28-page report to the FBI detailing why the long-form birth certificate was a forgery but received no response.
THE POST & EMAIL: When did you conceive of the idea to file your conclusions with a federal court?
MR. VOGT: Over a year ago. I had seen what was going on with cases being put into court by various
lawyers and thought they were approaching it all wrong. My background is accounting. I have
a degree in accounting and was a public accountant for a number of years. When I was reading
Title 18 code
regarding the section on forgery and other sections, there were two
things that came out that I found very interesting: one was
misprision of felony and the other was
misprision of treason.
These say that if you learn of a felony committed against the United
States, you’re supposed to report it. Each one has a different
reporting sequence, but both of them involve a United States judge,
which today is called a U.S. federal judge.
No one has ever used the statute. Usually a prosecutor uses it to force
someone who has firsthand knowledge of a crime but never reported it;
they use it to compel the person to confess or he would get three or
seven years in prison. For misprision of felony, it is a fine or three
years in prison, and misprision of treason is seven years in prison or a
When I read those two laws and thought about it, I said, “When they get
it, they really don’t have much choice if the evidence I have is
compelling; they have to give it to a federal grand jury.
Montgomery Blair Sibley had come to the same conclusion when I met up with him through a mutual friend about six months ago.
It took me about a year. I already had some of the points of forgery, but now it’s up to 20 points of forgery.
Paul Irey
and I did the research on this. As I’ve told Paul, it’s the gift that
just keeps on giving. The last thing I found was that the registrar
stamp was deliberately altered, with different variations of the
alteration. For a forger, the easiest thing in the world to forge is a
registrar’s stamp; you just take a legitimate one, scan it and copy it,
and put it on your forgery. Then why was the forger altering it in ways
of changing the line spacing, even the word spacing, on some of them?
The size of the beginning of the line of the type is different from the
text size at the end of the line.
The affidavit and the book that Paul and I are writing could actually be
used as a textbook for forensic examiners when you’re dealing with an
electronic document for which there was never an original. You have to
know quite a bit, unfortunately. We’ve been doing this for two years.
Fortunately, with Paul’s experience of
– I have knowledge of Photoshop but not like him; Paul’s been doing it
since the first version of it in the ’80s – our experience in
typesetting and my knowledge of scanners and the technology and
software, we knew we had so many ways to prove the birth certificate a
forgery, and this is the culmination of it.
THE POST & EMAIL: When will your book be published?
MR. VOGT: Paul has to do two chapters and I have to do some
also. I don’t have a big publisher yet and I am looking for one. I have
11 chapters done in a 17-chapter book. They are all easy chapters and
short. The hard evidence is in the earlier chapters.
when we spoke in March, you had intimated that you were contemplating
an action in your home state containing the criminal evidence.
MR. VOGT: Yes, I knew about misprision of felony and treason and
pretty-much knew what I was going to do. What I think has made the
Obots and the others nervous is they see the public affidavit, which is
over 15,000 words with 21 exhibits, but they don’t know what’s in the
sealed one. The sealed one is almost as big; it’s over 12,000 words and
has at least 14 exhibits to it. This is major. When I say I have
nailed them to the wall, I really did.
THE POST & EMAIL: Are you 100% sure of who the forger was, the alleged financier and propagandists you mentioned in the affidavit?
MR. VOGT: Yes, of the main characters. It’s not my job to
investigate all of the Obots; a special prosecutor would do that,
including pulling the phone records. The internet connections and
everything like that is already there; the NSA has it. A federal grand
jury can subpoena all of those records, and people cannot withhold it.
They cannot withhold evidence subpoenaed by a federal grand jury. If
[Hawaii Department of Health Registrar Dr. Alvin]
Onaka refuses, the judge issues an arrest warrant. It’s obstruction of justice, a felony, and they can’t refuse it.
It’s serious business. It’s the only way to get to this guy. It avoids
the Justice Department and the FBI unless they come around.
I want to say right now: I feel very bad and sorry for the leaders of the FBI; the CIA, a few of whom I know, and the good lawyers
in the Justice Department. They must be extremely mad; I know that’s
the case for the military, as friends of mine have told me. They’re as
mad as all hell, but they can’t really do much; most of them are just
good bureaucrats and don’t want to endanger their
and their salary. But somebody had to do it, and it looks as if Paul
and I, with our backgrounds, were “stuck” having to do it. No one else
came forward.
I want to say one thing that is really important: whatever judge does
this knows that he will go down in history. This is the worst crime in
American history. There’s nothing worse than this. It’s on the same
order but vastly larger than the
Benedict Arnold
trial. We can’t find this crime happening in any other country
anyplace in history: a foreign enemy agent – this guy is a Muslim and a
member of
the Muslim Brotherhood – wound up becoming president by a conspiracy between communists and Islamists to
him in office so he can destroy the country from within. That’s what
the crime is. These people better understand that if it gets to a grand
jury and they find that the evidence I have is correct – and they’ll
find more of the conspiracy – the penalty for treason is death. I can’t
imagine these people escaping that particular penalty because of the
nature of the crime and what Obama has done to the country in getting us
to over $8 or $9 trillion more debt than Bush had when he left office.
These people are going to hang. It’s the worst crime in American history; nothing comes close.
THE POST & EMAIL: Do you think Obama is a citizen of a
foreign country? In our last interview, you said you believed that
Frank Marshall Davis was Obama’s biological father.
MR. VOGT: He admits to it. During the last campaign, there was a
White House contest that if you contributed and you were drawn from a
raffle, you could have lunch with the president. Obama is quoted saying
in the ad, which I have, that “My father taught me the great love of
jazz.” That wasn’t Barack Obama Sr.; that was
Frank Marshall Davis, who used to teach classes in
in Chicago. There’s no question that’s who he is. And Obama knows it.
That’s why Stanley Ann Dunham brought him over to Davis’s house two or
three times a week: so that he would bond with his father. They knew
it; they all know it.
That’s why he was anointed by the Communist Party to become president.
He was the one to be anointed. What this amounts to is a bloodless
coup carried out by the Communist Party.
Frank Marshall Davis was a known communist
writer, union activist and newspaper editor who
relocated from Chicago to Hawaii in the late 1940s |
THE POST & EMAIL: Frank Marshall Davis was a
communist, writing for communist organizations in both Chicago and Hawaii after he moved there.
MR. VOGT: Yes, he was a card-carrying communist.
THE POST & EMAIL: Do you think Obama was born in the United States?
MR. VOGT: No, he was born in Kenya. Let’s say you have a
daughter, and she’s seven or eight months’ pregnant in 1961. You have
health insurance here. Would you send your daughter off to Kenya,
Africa, where your health insurance won’t pay for the birth? You don’t
even know if there’s going to be a hospital in that village or a witch
doctor when she gives birth. Would you send your daughter off to give
birth in Africa?
MR. VOGT: Bingo. I’ve asked this question of a lot of mothers
and fathers and get the same answer. Then ask yourself: why did
Stanley Dunham pay for the airfare – well over $1,000 – to go from
Hawaii to New York? I looked it up. I was in the import-export
business in the 1970s. She had to fly from Hawaii to Los Angeles; Los
Angeles to New York; New York to London, and London on
to Kenya.; it was a colony and nobody else but British airlines could
fly there. That had to be $1,000-$1,500, and he forked it over, and
this is why. He was in the CIA, and even in Obama’s
Dreams From My Father,
one of the chapters said “My grandfather was a company man,” which was a
code word for the CIA. It was a well-publicized CIA program that
brought Barack Obama Sr. to the United States. It was a CIA-run
We have a picture of Barack Obama Sr. standing at the airport with a bunch of
leis around his neck and Stanley Dunham, the “furniture salesman,” standing directly to his right. We’ve all seen that
This is the important part: he knew, as I figured out later, that the
CIA got a copy of the birth certificates and death certificates. In
1939, FDR created a federal security agency which was later taken apart.
Inside of it was the Social Security Department, the CDC Department of
Vital Statistics, and some other functionaries that dealt with security
and, during the war, even creating germ warfare and chemical warfare.
In 1946, it started getting broken up. By 1947, they created the CIA;
the CDC was put back into the Department of Health and Human Services
and was called something else. The Department of Vital Statistics and
Social Security ended up being its own department or part of Treasury or
This is the important part: When an agency is split up, the succeeding
agency has the rights of the parent agency from which it came. So it
inherited the rights to receive information which the old agency had.
In other words, they had the right to collect the birth certificates.
THE POST & EMAIL: Of everyone who worked for the CIA?
MR. VOGT: The agency itself got copies of birth certificates of
people working for the CIA. Stanley Dunham’s problem was this: His
actions prove that he knew the agency received birth certificates. He
couldn’t afford to have his darling daughter show up giving birth to a
black baby because they would know immediately that his new son-in-law
was supposed to have been his target, but now it’s Frank Marshall Davis.
He would lose his security clearance overnight. That’s why he paid
the $1,000 or $1,500 to ship his daughter off to Kenya to give birth.
THE POST & EMAIL: And that would make sense if the purported father were from Kenya and she wanted to join him there…
MR. VOGT: There you go. The birth certificate was not in the United States, and it would not be reported to the agency.
THE POST & EMAIL: Mike Zullo has said publicly that they can’t find the airline manifests for the days before and after Obama’s alleged birth.
MR. VOGT: Yes, it was altered. That’s tampering with evidence;
it’s a felony. A lot of people are going to be spending a lot of years
in prison or hanging. This isn’t just destruction of evidence; the
person who did that is part of a conspiracy to commit treason. They’re
all principals now, including the guy who did the research for all the
information that went into the boxes in the birth certificate; he became
a principal in a treason case.
I didn’t have to notarize the documents, but I did. So it can be used
by any district attorney or federal attorney to prosecute. What I
revealed this time deliberately is that the sealed affidavit is
substantial. It’s not a short little novelette. They will know this is
a real forensic examination and have proof of everything I said.
THE POST & EMAIL: Do you think you would be the first person to know if the judge empanels a federal grand jury?
MR. VOGT: I would, but I couldn’t tell you about it. As Mr. Sibley said, I wouldn’t tell anyone. I’ll have some information up on
and we’ll have another website which I’m trying to develop with copies
of the pleadings. But I’m going to have a lot more on it. I have two
audios from one of the foremost experts on narcissism; it was an
interview on
Israel National News
quite a few years ago. I’m going to put that up so that people can
listen to it. I want people to understand the kind of animal we’re
dealing with in the White House.
This guy is a real sick puppy. He’s what they label a
malignant narcissist. He is really a sick guy because his personality is so badly fractured.
We have the
that was obtained through the Freedom of Information Act on Barack
Obama Sr. In one of the letters in there, it said that the daughter,
the mother, wanted to give up the baby even before he was born. We have
the evidence from Barack Obama Sr., about 22 days after Obama was
allegedly born, in which he said he was married, but when it asked if he
had any children, he put “Roy Obama.” Roy was his son, but it wasn’t
Barack Obama Sr. never took credit for him over four years. He never takes ownership.
THE POST & EMAIL: You are in the scanner/copier business. What do you think of the
claim by some of the Obots that a Xerox 7655 Workcentre copier can replicate the anomalies found in the long-form birth certificate?
Written in 1971, Rules for Radicals instructs community
organizers how to unite people in pressing for “change”
by marginalizing, “freezing,” and ridiculing their opponents |
MR. VOGT: It’s a ruse. It’s one of the 12 things that Saul Alinsky’s
Rules for Radicals
teaches. When the other side says one thing, enter another subject and
say another thing. That’s all they did with that. Once I repeated
that number in Alinsky’s list, I never heard from them again. They just
run and hide.
The PDF that was posted on the White House website clearly says it was done on a Mackintosh using
Preview, and the PDF was generated by
Quartz. They’re both Mackintosh programs. It was never on the copier. You couldn’t do it.
THE POST & EMAIL: Why would it have needed to be copied if two certified copies were supposedly picked up at the Hawaii Department of Health?
MR. VOGT: The White House cover story was that they got the two copies and took one of them, which was the same one that
Savannah Guthrie
had, with the premise that they created the PDF and put it up on the
internet. There are only two ways that you make a PDF: either scan it
in, or you wind up doing it within Preview. We had people do tests with
it on the Mackintosh, and Quartz and Preview cannot do it. They do a
minimum amount of cleanup and optimization, but they don’t create the
same kind of layers at all. They strip off the metadata and put theirs
in, which is what happened. This was just the Obots chasing their
tails. It’s all a lie. They were grasping at straws.
Figuring out Obama’s forgery wasn’t really that hard.
THE POST & EMAIL: No expert has vouched for it as authentic. One was
quoted by Fox to have done so, but he issued a correction which Fox refused to make.
MR. VOGT: He’s in Canada; I called him up.
THE POST & EMAIL: What did he say?
MR. VOGT: He said,”
I didn’t say that.” He agreed with me that the thing had problems with it. Fox lied. He told me, “Fox lied.”
THE POST & EMAIL: And then they wouldn’t correct it.
MR. VOGT: He told me that, too.
Mr. Vogt then described to The Post & Email how Alvin Onaka had
“indicted himself” by actions Vogt believes he took at the Hawaii
Department of Health. He also said that numerous alterations of the
stamp were made. “The only reason I can find to do that is to give
plausible deniability to Onaka…the easiest thing to forge is the
registrar’s stamp. You just scan it in. Why change it unless you’re
doing that to give cover to the registrar?”
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